Update on Ol' Wolfie

greenspun.com : LUSENET : DaVinci's Exile Test : One Thread

Well I did it again. I have 8 stitches in my right ring finger. I dropped a sword and it nipped me just a tad. I am doing ok except i can feel half my fricking finger. Makes it a pain to type. Anyways, Not sure how many of me old friends still float around or read this thing but just wanted yall to know i have a fkesh wound but still around.

-- Wolfie (rglane@mtu.edu), May 21, 2001


Dropped a sword?? Wanna tell us what you were up to when you did that?

-- Sunflower girl (dianne63@hotmail.com), May 25, 2001.

Have you taken up acting in your spare time, Wolfie? Whoa! Sword play sounds too dangerous for me!

-- Laighe of the Limberlost (laighe@excite.com), May 25, 2001.

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