Atheist Corner - Thought of the Day "I have broken the Ten Commandments, but I do good things for people." : LUSENET : Unk's Wild Wild West : One Thread

"I have broken the Ten Commandments, but I do good things for people."

Hollywood Stars do similar things. They commit adultery in their youth, and then become involved in giving to AIDS research, etc., as they grow older. In their minds they think that they are balancing the scales. They have done bad, and now they are doing good. However, the Bible reveals that the motive of guilty sinners is one of guilt (see Hebrews 9:14). They are attempting to bribe the Judge of the Universe. However, the Judge in this case will not be corrupted. Good works cannot earn mercy. That comes purely by the grace of God. He will only dismiss our case on the grounds of our faith in Jesus.

-- Atheist Corner (Truth or@Consequences.con), May 21, 2001


He will only dismiss our case on the grounds of our faith in Jesus.

Catch 22.

Faith is a gift. If I don't have it, how can I get it? God would know if I fake it. Aren't good "works" better than no "works" or bad "works"?

You reduce salvation to a formula. One suspects God is better than that. After all, He made created us as sinners in the first place. Why?

-- (Paracelsus@Pb.Au), May 21, 2001.

He made created us as sinners in the first place. Why?

Wrong. He made us sin free. It was our choice to willingly sin. By our free will; in choosing to disobey God in the Garden of Eden. That's what made us sinners in rebellion against God. God allowed us to make a choice.

God doesn't want robots. He wants a relationship with us His creation.

-- Atheist Corner (Truth or@Consequences.con), May 21, 2001.


He made us free of sin yet open to the possibility of committing sin, thus, since we are able to fail, God must have known we would indeed eventually sin. But, since he MADE us this way (able to sin), why should He punnish US for a trait that HE gave us? It's HIS fault!

What a pile of malarky!

-- Uncle Deedah (, May 21, 2001.

So why does Eve eating an apple in Eden condemn me to be a sinner? Can I get a refund?

-- (@ .), May 21, 2001.

Hurricanes, tornadoes, floods, and earthquakes slaughter tens of thousands. We have devastating droughts, multitudes crippled with arthritis, children dying of Leukemia, masses of other cancerous diseases, endless suffering, unspeakable pain and death. What sort of tyrant would create us and then give us all this grief? Then again, could it be that "Mother Nature" has a Senior Partner-Father God? Which puts us in an interesting dilemma: If God is an "all-loving" father figure, as we are often told that He is, we seem to be left with three choices. One: God blew it when He made everything (He's creative but incompetent). Two: God is a tyrant, who gets His kicks from seeing kids die of Leukemia. Three: Something between God and man is radically wrong. There's our choice& and you don't have to be a rocket scientist to lean towards number three. Something between man and God is radically wrong. The Bible tells us what it is. There is a war going on. We are told that mankind is an enemy of God in his mind through wicked works. That's not too hard to see. He is forever committing murder, rape, lying, and stealing (watch the TV news tonight to confirm that fact). He uses God's Name as a curse word, while "Mother Nature" gets the glory for His creation (unless there's a horrible disaster. Then man calls that "an act of God").

An applicable acronym for "war" is "We Are Right." That's why any country goes to war, because it has the conviction that it is in the right. A few moments of going through God's Law shows us who is right and who is wrong. We, not God, are the guilty party. If we want His blessing back on our nation, we must make peace with Him, and that can only happen through faith in Jesus Christ.

-- Atheist Corner (Truth or@Consequences.con), May 21, 2001.

So why does Eve eating an apple in Eden condemn me to be a sinner?

Adam & Eve both ate from the tree of knowledge against God's will. As result of this, they passed down geneticly this new found 'knowledge' to their decendants.

This is also known as 'generational sin'.

Can I get a refund?

Yes. Through acceptance of Jesus Christ and His shed blood for your sins.

-- Atheist Corner (Truth or@Consequences.con), May 21, 2001.

"God made me like this. Sin is His fault!"

If this won't work in a civil court, it certainly won't work on Judgment Day. Even with today's crafty defense lawyers, it would take a rather moronic judge to fall for the old "God made me do it" defense. We are responsible moral agents. The "buck" stopped at Adam. He tried to blame both God and Eve for his sin, and it didn't work.

-- Atheist Corner (Truth or@Consequences.con), May 21, 2001.

Uh huh.

I am God. I build a dog. I give him the possibility of being thirsty. One day he drinks. I condem him to burn in hell for eternity because of it.

Nice God you worship there AC, a real gem. My God is not like that, but go ahead, enjoy yours.

-- Uncle Deedah (, May 21, 2001.

Wait a minute. If God uses natural disasters to punish man, how come those who believe in him are also punished by natural disasters? In other words, how come hurricane Floyd hit North Carolina, the very buckle of the Bible belt, and not New York City? Why flood Iowa and not Chicago?

-- Tarzan the Ape Man (, May 21, 2001.

"My God would never create Hell."

Those who say that are right. Their god would never create Hell, because he couldn't. He doesn't exist. He is a figment of their imagination (the place of imagery). They have created a god to suit themselves. It's called "idolatry," and it's the oldest sin in the Book. Idolaters will not inherit the Kingdom of God.

-- Atheist Corner (Truth or@Consequences.con), May 21, 2001.

I paint a picture. The painting comes out with a few fuzzy areas that don't look right, thus, it is the fault of the painting that it is not perfect, not the fault of the painter.

Uh huh.

-- Uncle Deedah (, May 21, 2001.

Yes Unc, God didn't create us as sinners. I was wrong to say that; buying into St Augustine's "original sin" BS. Surely babes are born innocent as falling poop. God didn't create us as little sinners but it sure looks like He created us to be very fallible, destined to sin.

We did not do that to ourselves and I resent AC telling me that I am "disobeying" God when all I am doing is behaving in a way consistent with God's genetic "gift".

Most of us do the best we can with what God chose to give us. If God wants more from me, then why doesn't he meet me face to face and tell me the ground rules? AC, I doubt if you are God's annointed messenger.

-- (Paracelsus@Pb.Au), May 21, 2001.

"Why is there suffering? That proves that there is no 'loving' God."

Study the soil for a moment. It naturally produces weeds. Nobody plants them; nobody waters them. They even stubbornly push through cracks of a dry sidewalk. Millions of useless weeds sprout like there's no tomorrow, strangling our crops and ruining our lawns. Pull them out by the roots, and there will be more tomorrow. They are nothing but a curse! Look at how much of the earth is uninhabitable. There are millions upon millions of square miles of nothing but barren deserts in Africa and in different parts of the world. Most of Australia is desert. There is nothing but miles and miles of useless desolate land.

Not only that, but the earth is constantly shaken with massive earthquakes. Its shores are lashed with hurricanes, tornadoes rip through creation with incredible fury. Floods of biblical proportions soak the land, and terrible droughts parch the soil. Sharks, tigers, lions, snakes, spiders and disease-ridden mosquitoes attack humanity and suck its life's blood. The earth's inhabitants are afflicted with disease, pain, suffering and death. Think of how many people are plagued with cancer, Alzheimer's, Multiple Sclerosis, heart disease, emphysema, Parkinson's disease and a mass of other debilitating diseases. Think of all the kids with leukemia, or people born with crippling diseases or without the mental capability to even feed themselves. All these things should convince thinking minds that something is radically wrong. Did God blow it when He created humanity? What sort of tyrant must our Creator be if this was His master plan?

Sadly, many use the issue of suffering as an excuse to reject any thought of God, when its existence is the very reason we should accept Him. Suffering stands as terrible testimony to the truth of the explanation given by the Word of God. But how can we know that the Bible is true? Simply by studying the prophecies of Matthew 24, Luke 21, and 2 Timothy 3. A few minutes of openhearted inspection will convince any honest skeptic that this is no ordinary book. It is the supernatural testament of our Creator as to why there is suffering . . . and what we can do about it. The Bible tells us that God cursed the earth because of Adam's transgression. Weeds are a curse. So is disease. Sin and suffering cannot be separated. The Scriptures inform us that we live in a fallen creation. In the beginning, God created man perfect and he lived in a perfect world, without suffering. It was Heaven on earth. When sin came into the world, death and misery came with it.

Those who understand the message of Holy Scripture eagerly await a new Heaven and a new earth "wherein dwells righteousness." In that coming Kingdom there will be no more pain, suffering, disease or death. We are told that no eye has ever seen, nor has any ear heard, neither has any man's mind ever imagined the wonderful things that God has in store for those that love Him. Think for a moment of what it would be like if food grew with the fervor of weeds. Think how wonderful it would be if the deserts became incredibly fertile, if creation stopped devouring humanity. Imagine if the weather worked for us instead of against us, if disease completely disappeared, if pain was a thing of the past . . . if death was no more.

There is a wise saying: "If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is." That is solid advice for when you are dealing with sinful mankind. But the promise of a new Heaven and a new earth come from a faithful Creator, and there is no greater insult to God than not to believe His promises. When a nation repents and finds peace with God through trusting in the Savior, God promises to forgive their sins and heal their land.

The dilemma is that we are like a small child whose insatiable appetite for chocolate has caused his face to break out. He looks in the mirror and sees a sight that makes him depressed. His face is nothing but ugly sores. But instead of stopping eating his beloved chocolate, he takes solace by stuffing more into his mouth. Yet, his very joy is actually the cause of his suffering.

The whole face of the earth is nothing but ugly sores of suffering. Everywhere we look, we see unspeakable pain. But instead of believing God's explanation and asking Him to forgive us and change our appetite, we run deeper into sin's sweet embrace. There we find solace in its temporal pleasures; thus intensifying our pain, both in this life, and in the life to come.

-- Atheist Corner (Truth or@Consequences.con), May 21, 2001.

The problem is that Ac doesn't doubt it. AC is sure of it.

-- Uncle Deedah (, May 21, 2001.

If God wants more from me, then why doesn't he meet me face to face and tell me the ground rules?

God's Ten Commandments are His 'ground rules'

-- Atheist Corner (Truth or@Consequences.con), May 21, 2001.

I believe in Unk.

-- helen (unk@unk.unk), May 21, 2001.

AC, I doubt if you are God's annointed messenger.

Jesus says in Mark 16:15-16 15 He said to them, "Go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation. 16 Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved, but whoever does not believe will be condemned.

-- Atheist Corner (Truth or@Consequences.con), May 21, 2001.

What happened to the people before that?

-- Uncle Deedah (, May 21, 2001.

Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved, but whoever does not believe will be condemned.

And again I ask from where do I get this faith? Do I conjure it? Do I fake it? Why doesn't God just give to me? What kind of game is this?

-- (Paracelsus@Pb.Au), May 21, 2001.

What happened to the people before that? Yes, and what happens to the people in Asia, who never hear the Word?

(If there is a stock answer for this dilemma, I forget what it is.)

-- Debbie (, May 21, 2001.

Sadly, many use the issue of suffering as an excuse to reject any thought of God, when its existence is the very reason we should accept Him. Suffering stands as terrible testimony to the truth of the explanation given by the Word of God. But how can we know that the Bible is true? Simply by studying the prophecies of Matthew 24, Luke 21, and 2 Timothy 3. A few minutes of openhearted inspection will convince any honest skeptic that this is no ordinary book. It is the supernatural testament of our Creator as to why there is suffering . . . and what we can do about it. The Bible tells us that God cursed the earth because of Adam's transgression. Weeds are a curse. So is disease. Sin and suffering cannot be separated. The Scriptures inform us that we live in a fallen creation. In the beginning, God created man perfect and he lived in a perfect world, without suffering. It was Heaven on earth. When sin came into the world, death and misery came with it.

So suffering exists because "God cursed the earth because of Adam's transgression". There several other possibilities:

Suffering exists simply because suffering exists. It is not a "curse" for someone else's transgression. It just is. God is not unjust; God is aloof and unloving (for reasons that exceed our finite minds).

Or how about Evil? I know, you don't accept Dualism. Evil is already defeated, right? Doesn't look that way to me. I see Evil as ubiquitous and not defeated.

The last possibility is simply that there is no God. Personally I don't buy that one.

-- (Paracelsus@Pb.Au), May 21, 2001.

God does the stuff humans can't do. Humans could greatly reduce suffering. It isn't God's fault we don't.

-- helen (i@know.the, May 21, 2001.

One man's weed is another man's dandelion wine.

-- (, May 22, 2001.

That Weeds are a curse thing got to me, too. It's my understanding that the definition of Weed [outside the drug realm] is: a plant growing where you don't want it to grow. The author [and I, too, wish that AC would identify the author] doesn't have the slightest grasp on Biology and how the variations of plants, insects, wildlife, terrain, etc. play a role in the entire ecological balance.

-- Anita (, May 22, 2001.

I'd like to see Atheist Corner please give credit where credit is due

I am but a willing empty vessel. All 'credit', glory and honor are given to God the Father to whom strengthens me daily through faith in Christ Jesus.

God's word is perfect.

The Law's

Ceremonial Law - This kind of law relates specifically to Israel's worship (see, for example, Leviticus 1:1-13). Its primary purpose was to point forward to Jesus Christ. Therefore, these laws were no longer necessary after Jesus' death and resurrection. While we are no longer bound by ceremonial laws, the principals behind them-to worship and love a holy God-still apply. The Jewish Christians often accused the Gentile Christians of violating the ceremonial law.

Civil Law - This type of law dictated Israel's daily living (see Deuteronomy 24:10, 11 for example). Because modern society and culture are so radically different, some of these guidelines cannot be followed specifically. But the principals behind the commands should guide our conduct. At times, Paul asked Gentile Christians to follow some of these laws, not because they had to, but to promote unity.

Moral Law - This sort of law is the direct command of God-for example, the Ten Commandments (Exodus 20:1-17). It requires strict obedience. It reveals the nature and will of God and it still applies to us today. We are to obey this moral law, not to obtain salvation, but to live in ways pleasing to god.

-- Atheist Corner (Truth or@Consequences.con), May 22, 2001.

It is not a "curse" for someone else's transgression. It just is.

This is a lie. God's word says in Genesis 3:17-19

17 To Adam he said, "Because you listened to your wife and ate from the tree about which I commanded you, `You must not eat of it,' "Cursed is the ground because of you; through painful toil you will eat of it all the days of your life. 18 It will produce thorns and thistles for you, and you will eat the plants of the field. 19 By the sweat of your brow you will eat your food until you return to the ground, since from it you were taken; for dust you are and to dust you will return."

-- Atheist Corner (Truth or@Consequences.con), May 22, 2001.

When I was little a kid showed me how when I rubbed my hands together real fast - it made dirt. Everything we have comes from dirt. We are dirt. So what? I don't feel like I'm "cursed" for a moment___and you can't make me either.

Arguing with a religious nut is like arguing with a 3 year old.

-- Rather not (say @ this .time), May 22, 2001.

And again I ask from where do I get this faith?

Faith is belief in things not yet seen.

According to Websters faith is:firm belief in something for which there is no proof

Example: We have records of history, but it is by "faith" we believe that certain historical events happened.

Do I conjure it? Do I fake it? Why doesn't God just give to me?

A lack of 'faith' is nothing new. Even Jesus' disciples suffered from a lack of it at times. Jesus calmed the storm on the sea - Luke 8:24-26; Doubting Thomas - John 20:27-31.

Jesus says in John 20:29 Thomas, because you have seen me you have believed: blessed are they that have not seen and still believe.

What kind of game is this?

This is not a game. God's word is eternal. We have disobeyed him through 'sin'. God demands accountability because of our 'sin'. It is through the moral law that we learn what is to be expected of us in order to satisfy God's will. The problem is none of us are capable of fullfilling the law. This is God's way of showing us we need help. Help did come in the form of a living sacrifice of His perfect and sinless son Jesus Christ. Who died in our place for past, present and future sins of the world. In Romans 3:23 we learn For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God. If you break the least of God's Commandments, you are doomed. We learn in Romans 6:23 For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. All we need to do is repent of our ways and accept Jesus as our payment for our sin and the chains of the 'law' are broken.

-- Atheist Corner (Truth or@Consequences.con), May 22, 2001.

Why label AC a religious nut? Cant we all just get along? AC is making some good food for thought. Lattimore, you are a horses ass.

-- fan of AC (Bob@barker.Yep), May 22, 2001.

All right, but you should still be good enough to cite your sources, and give credit where credit is due.

God is the source of my strength. God's word is truth. I give credit to God the Father.

I shouldn't have to do the homework to prove you copied your words verbatim from You should give them credit to begin with. *Particularly* when the site says, quite plainly:

This site © Copyright 2000, The Words Of Eternal Life

This is a wonderful site.

I am uncertain as to what proof you are refering to. I have looked at the page you linked to and have found it to be another wonderful faith building site. Thank you for pointing it out to me.

-- Atheist Corner (Truth or@Consequences.con), May 22, 2001.

That, amazingly, your descriptions of Ceremonial, Civil, and Moral law were created in your own imagination,

Not at all. My quotes of the 'laws' come from page 2057 of Tyndale's Life Application Study Bible-King James Edition.

-- Atheist Corner (Truth or@Consequences.con), May 22, 2001.

I don't feel like I'm "cursed" for a moment___and you can't make me either.

Rather not (say @ this .time), May 22, 2001.

"I don't feel guilty."

People often don't feel guilty when they sin because they have "seared" their conscience. They have removed the batteries from the smoke detector of their conscience, so that they can sin without interruption.

-- Atheist Corner (Truth or@Consequences.con), May 22, 2001.

"Cant we all just get along?.....Lattimore, you are a horses ass."

so much for getting along, eh?

-- (, May 22, 2001.

when the law was given,do you really think GOD expected man to be able too [perfectly] keep it?? the book of hebrew's say's GOD has [penned] all mankind unto=disobedience!! the LAW was only given,that sin[in] us would be riled up!!

yup i used to HATE GOD for giving commands that I had no strength too=KEEP. until I [got-it] JESUS kept the law perfectly,and transfers that perfection onto us,when we accept HIS work for US.. SO NOW I chill IN WHAT he ACCOMPLISHED FOR ME.

when I sin[miss the mark] of perfection, I confess it & accept HIS blood=which by the way[continually] cleanses me!! yup,my =FOCUS is no longer on ME.

i DON,T WANNNA SIN--BUT I DO. thats the facts amigo's. when I try to please GOD by focusing on the LAW I alway's end up missing it.

-- al-d. (, May 22, 2001.

Why label AC a religious nut?

If the shoe fits...

AC has still not answered my question. Since God created us with a weakness, why would he punish us for for being weak? If you tell your child not to play with matches, and the child does so, you punish him. But do you also punish HIS kids? And their kids too?!? Sentence them to burn in hell forever because of one mistake? The whole concept is just plain silly.

And what happened to those who lived before Christ was born? If the ONLY way to heaven is through Him, then those folks were screwed through absolutely no fault of their own. What happens to people who have never been exposed to The Word? Do they go to hell through no fault of their own too? What about mentally challenged people who cannot grasp the concept of Christ? Talk about loopholes and lawyering!

And people like AC wonder why rational people find the whole thing hard to believe. I am a spiritual person, but I also use the noggin God gave me.

-- Uncle Deedah (, May 22, 2001.

Since God created us with a weakness,

God created us with free will. Not weakness. You choose where you go and what you do.

Sentence them to burn in hell forever because of one mistake?

Everyone has a choice Unk. You are not forced to go to Hell. But you can choose to go there because of your unbelief in Jesus Christ.

-- Atheist Corner (Truth or@Consequences.con), May 22, 2001.

when the law was given,do you really think GOD expected man to be able too [perfectly] keep it?? the book of hebrew's say's GOD has [penned] all mankind unto=disobedience!! the LAW was only given,that sin[in] us would be riled up!!

yup i used to HATE GOD for giving commands that I had no strength too=KEEP. until I [got-it] JESUS kept the law perfectly,and transfers that perfection onto us,when we accept HIS work for US.. SO NOW I chill IN WHAT he ACCOMPLISHED FOR ME.

when I sin[miss the mark] of perfection, I confess it & accept HIS blood=which by the way[continually] cleanses me!! yup,my =FOCUS is no longer on ME.

i DON,T WANNNA SIN--BUT I DO. thats the facts amigo's. when I try to please GOD by focusing on the LAW I alway's end up missing it.

try reading=romans chapter 7.''OH WRETCHED MAN THAT I AM'' say's the APOSTLE Paul. who will deliver me,from this body of sin & death???

then he get's IT ,in chap. 8. like JESUS said''if he set's you free--your free indeed''

-- al-d. (, May 22, 2001.

That's just it, AC. They COULD NOT have believed in Christ, since they lived and died before he supposedly came.

-- Tarzan the Ape Man (, May 22, 2001.

And what happened to those who lived before Christ was born? If the ONLY way to heaven is through Him, then those folks were screwed through absolutely no fault of their own.

Nope. God demands a blood sacrifice for sin. All throughout the Old Testament, God commanded the priests to sacrifice a lamb to 'cover' the 'sin' of the people.

When Christ was sacrificed, he was/is the final sacrifice for ALL sin. Past, present & future. Christ's blood takes away our sin. It doesn't cover it. Those that died previous to Christ's appearance but performed the will of God by offering a blood sacrifice of a lamb are included in God's salvation plan.

What happens to people who have never been exposed to The Word? Do they go to hell through no fault of their own too?

No one will go to Hell because they haven't heard of Jesus Christ. The heathen will go to Hell for murder, rape, adultery, lust, theft, lying, etc. Sin is not failing to hear the Gospel, "sin is transgression of the Law" (1 John 3:4). If we really care about them, we will become missionaries and take the good news of God's forgiveness in Christ to them.

-- Atheist Corner (Truth or@Consequences.con), May 22, 2001.

Now you are playing semantics. Free will then. If God gave us free will why would he punish us for using it? And if Al is right, then God set us up to fail, He knew we would fail, and yet He wants to send us to hell for something He foresaw.

As I said before, if you want to live your whole life being dictated to by a book written by MEN, go right ahead. If the version of God as written by those MEN is OK with you have at it, worship that God. He doesn't sound like a very nice God, in fact, He sounds rather evil to set up his beloved creation to fail and burn for eternity.

-- Uncle Deedah (, May 22, 2001.

No one will go to Hell because they haven't heard of Jesus Christ.

This directly contradicts the word of Jesus in John 14:6 "Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me."

-- Tarzan the Ape Man (, May 22, 2001.

The heathen will go to Hell for murder, rape, adultery, lust, theft, lying, etc.

So what if they don't break any of the commandments? Do they still go to hell?

-- Uncle Deedah (, May 22, 2001.

So what if they don't break any of the commandments?

Only one person has been able to do that. And he died for our sins.

-- Atheist Corner (Truth or@Consequences.con), May 22, 2001.

Yo uncle doo dah is going to hell with latimore. in a handbasket. i caint wait til they git here i git lonely sometimes.

-- hells bells (satan@hell.forever), May 22, 2001.

That was a poor answer, even for you AC.

-- Uncle Deedah (, May 22, 2001.

This directly contradicts

Not at all. It is only through Jesus' shed blood that we are able to be with the father.

It's in the blood.

-- Atheist Corner (Truth or@Consequences.con), May 22, 2001.

Unk, Yup,if they don't accept Christ they will. Good doesn't get you to heaven. Good people will be going to hell. Nothing you "do" gets you to heaven except accepting Christ. BTW the bible was not written by men.

-- Marg (, May 22, 2001.

Would that be Catholic, Baptist, Methodist, Episcopal, Mormon, or what other kind of Jesus' blood?

-- (@theist...), May 22, 2001.

BTW the bible was not written by men.

This is opinion, not fact. I know, I know, the Bible was "inspired" by God right? Hahaha, that's what the priests have always wanted folks to believe.

-- (@theist...), May 22, 2001.

It wasn't written by men huh? Did it fall down from heaven one day?

-- Uncle Deedah (, May 22, 2001.

Would that be Catholic, Baptist, Methodist, Episcopal, Mormon,

Religion doesn't 'get you there'.

Faith does.

Jesus has ONE church not 1000 denominations.

-- Atheist Corner (Truth or@Consequences.con), May 22, 2001.


But if you lived and died before Jesus' blood was shed, then you're SOL.

-- Tarzan the Ape Man (, May 22, 2001.

So Marg, as long as I accept Christ I can go out and murder and rob and commit mayhem on a grand scale right? Since what I "do" doesn't count it must be so.

-- Uncle Deedah (, May 22, 2001.

Excuse me here, Marg, but was it accepting Christ that led you to respond to a poster that the best part of him dripped down his mother's leg?

-- Anita (, May 22, 2001.

Unk, When you accept Christ, you are a new creature and your old nature doesn't control you. No, you don't go out and kill people . Anita, get a life.

-- Marg (, May 22, 2001.

But if you lived and died before Jesus' blood was shed, then you're SOL.

No. Christ's blood transends time itself.

-- Atheist Corner (Truth or@Consequences.con), May 22, 2001.

Hey Marg, who wrote the Bible?

-- Uncle Deedah (, May 22, 2001.

How do you claim Jesus' blood if you lived and died before he ever walked the earth? Please provide a Biblical citation for your answer.

-- Tarzan the Ape Man (, May 22, 2001.


-- Marg (, May 22, 2001.

How do you claim Jesus' blood if you lived and died before he ever walked the earth? Please provide a Biblical citation for your answer.

Exodus 30:10 10 Once a year Aaron shall make atonement on its horns. This annual atonement must be made with the blood of the atoning sin offering for the generations to come. It is most holy to the LORD."

According to footnotes from my Tyndale Life Application Study Bible for Exodus 30:10 This once a year ceremony was called the Day of Atonement. On this day a sacrifice was made for the sins of the entire Israelite nation. This was the only day the High Priest could enter the Most Holy Place, the intermost room of the Tabernacle. Here he asked God to forgive the people. The Day of Atonement served as a reminder the the daily, weekly, and monthly sacrifices could cover sins temporarily. It pointed toward Jesus Christ, the perfect atonement, who could remove sins forever.

Tyndale Life Application Study Bible - King James Edition: Page 159

-- Atheist Corner (Truth or@Consequences.con), May 22, 2001.

Okay, so everyone will go to Hell forever and ever except Christians and early Jews, including those who lived and died before Jesus (and weren't Jews) and those who have never heard the good news.

Some God you got there! Damned if you do, damned if you don't. Literally in this case.

-- Tarzan the Ape Man (, May 22, 2001.

Damned if you do, damned if you don't.

No. Just damned if you don't. Your choice.

-- Atheist Corner (Truth or@Consequences.con), May 22, 2001.

AC: Would you mind repeating the scripture that says something about "Judge not lest ye be judged" for the benefit of folks like Marg?

More folks actually might FOLLOW Christianity if they saw the folks who purport to be Christians PRACTICING the faith.

-- Anita (, May 22, 2001.

Well Marg, are you to answer anitas question about dripping down someones leg? Didnt think so. SKANK HOE.

-- right (as@always.anitas), May 23, 2001.

Let me rephrase that:

Damned if you do it wrong, damned if you don't know you're supposed to do it in the first place, damned in you don't.

-- Tarzan the Ape Man (, May 23, 2001.

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