Weather - Severe Weather for Sunday Night : LUSENET : Current News : One Thread

To tired to paste the links, but wanted you all to be aware of severe weather that may be headed your way.

Current tornado and/or severe thunderstorm boxes out for eastern Oklahoma, Arkansas, Missouri, Lousiana, Tennessee, and Alabama (I think I got em all)

They rolled thru my part of Oklahoma a bit ago. Planes had to leave Tinker as a just in case. News reported tornados in the eastern part of this state and they were headed to Arkansas. Said that the rain was so heavy that I-40 was nearly closed down. Seems like this is a major rain dumper.

Got rubbers?


-- Anonymous, May 20, 2001


Oops... Make that Mississippi instead of Lousiana.

*needing to look at a map more careful*


-- Anonymous, May 20, 2001

Wasn't online much last night but was keeping an eye on the weather and thinking aboutcha. We may get some of that later.

-- Anonymous, May 21, 2001

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