For All You Nuclear Targeting Fans : LUSENET : Unk's Wild Wild West : One Thread

For all you nuclear targeting fans:

Bruce Beach Nuclear Survival Resources & Ark II Fallout Shelter Site


I wonder how up to date this info is. I wouldn't think that Flagstaff AZ is still a target any more now that the Ordinance Depot has been shut down. Maybe if it still is, it would be because of the proximity to a major railroad line and the intersection of two Interstate highways.

-- Flash (, May 20, 2001


Bruce Beach who exposed the "hidden" clock in embedded chips?

Two years ago that was the "Bruce Beach Y2K Survival Resources & Ark II Y2K Shelter Site". He is no stranger to a lot of us.

-- Cherri (, May 20, 2001.

I remember seeing Bruce Beach on national TV during the Y2K circus. My first reaction was that this poor boy had taken too many drugs in his youth. As I recall, he buried a good many buses in the ground to serve as a massive bomb/survivalist shelter. Like many of his ilk, Bruce brings a little more to the table than you might imagine. Here is the URL to his web site: 5Cdefault.htm

Based on his past record of predictions, one should take his nuclear targeting warnings with the proper amount of skepticism.

-- So (, May 20, 2001.

Bonkers for bunkers

A good bunker is more than a buried bus. Forget it, bio-terrorism will get us before the nukes do.

-- Lars (, May 20, 2001.

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