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Hi A.B.Please check out Netty's forum at Spinoff for some neat Arizona stuff.
Thanks Nettie and Rob!
BTW is that Olivia de Havalina?
-- Flash (, May 19, 2001
Ooooo, thanks Flash! I love Arizona stuff!Hey guess what? It's hot down here!
-- Aunt Bee (this.must@be.hell), May 19, 2001.
Wow, that was quick. It's real nice up here. Cloudy, a bit of rain showers, and a nice breeze. No thunderstorms yet, though.I've been mowing my South 40 again as the grass is about knee high and we just had a house fire down the street a couple of days ago. The guy apparently was running a reloading business out of his garage and it sounded like the Fourth of July for about 45 minutes. Good thing there wasn't much wind that day.
Sabino is my most favorite place down there, but I have many more that come in as close seconds. Mt. Lemmon is fun, too!
Where do you folks chat these days?
Best Wishes...
-- Flash (, May 19, 2001.
HI Flash!The previous post was NOT from me, just FYI. Netty's formum has a great link to the Arizona Highways site! There is no more beautiful photograhy of Az, than Az Highways! ALWAYS the BEST!! For those of you who think Arizona is a flat desert devoid of life, check it out! The diversity of this state is phenomenal. I'd be interested to see if your preconceived notions are not shattered, after viewing the site.
I awoke arealy this morning to moist ground and lovely drizzle, the smell of creosote in the air, and the fragrance of the wet desert. What could be lovelier? It was overcast, cool and moist most of this morning. This afternoon found us with temps in the mid 80's, a beautiful cloud formation over the Rincons, and glorious rays of sunshine! This is sure to be our last cool day before summer. Temp is expected to 100 degrees by Thurs! BUT IT"S A DRY HEAT!!!
And Flash, check yer email in about 5 minutes!!
So nice to see you Flash!!
-- Aunt Bee (, May 19, 2001.
!! For those of you who think Arizona is a flat desert devoid of life, check it out! The diversity of this state is phenomenal. I'd be interested to see if your preconceived notions are not shattered, after viewing the site.Hi Aunt Bee! I remember a trip I was making make East. I flew to Chicago one Mid May to help a friend move out here. One day it was in the upper 60's and breezy, I was freezing and was wearing my *Arizona winter* jacket (granted, not the parka's you'd wear for a Chicago winter!) I got some very strange looks, told them all that our nights weren't even that cool anymore. After all, it's basically above 90º from late April until mid October here in Phoenix (and above 100º on a regular basis from late May until late September). Anyways, on the trip back, we stopped at a rest stop in Nebraska. There was a coffee and donut stand set up run by locals. I remember this one woman who found out I lived in Arizona and started mouthing off on how dirty and ugly Arizona was. I asked her to explain, she couldn't say anything other than she *knew* for a fact that nothing green grows in *that* state, that we all have rocks and boulders in our lawns and are overrun with spiders and scorpions and lizards and rattlesnakes. In the meantime, I am looking around at the countryside, which is flat and boring with no diversity at all, just miles upon miles of corn. I told her that maybe the desert sun had affected my head as I could have sworn that was grass I was mowing, not green rocks (though in Sun City, you do find that!) That the Cassia bushes outside were just pertending to be covered in bright yellow flowers, that Camelback Mountain was just a tiny anthill when compared to those monster hills we were looking at around the rest stop. She kept insisting that Arizona is nothing but dust and rocks. Now when I travel back East of the Rockies, I carry pictures of Arizona with me because I still run into people like that woman every trip I have ever made!
-- Rob (, May 20, 2001.