Drop a note if you got in today 5-18greenspun.com : LUSENET : Current News : One Thread |
Curious, had some problems accessing this morning, but GS has been working fine since about 10AM pacific time, far as I can tell...Drop a note if you make it here, and about where you are. Starting to suspect a regional router is hiccuping, which could account for some folks not not being able to get in...
Quick hi, and where (state alone is good enough I guess) your located...
-- Anonymous, May 18, 2001
bump to new answers..
-- Anonymous, May 18, 2001
Hi, Got in with no problems. 9:22PM in Georgia
-- Anonymous, May 18, 2001
I got in, but where are the posts from the past few days?
-- Anonymous, May 18, 2001
I didn't get in until after 9PM Eastern on Friday.
-- Anonymous, May 18, 2001
In at 10:20 EST.
-- Anonymous, May 18, 2001
In at 10:25 eastern. Could not get in here an hour ago.
-- Anonymous, May 18, 2001
California... got bumped about 8:30PM... back in now at 10:30... was watching a movie with my son, so haven't tried for a while...
-- Anonymous, May 19, 2001
Beckie... greenspun has been having some sort of problems for the last couple of days... I'm a little leery of bugging Philip about it, as this place is a freebie...Plus I was one of those that gave him a bad time when he unplugged the original TB right before rollover. I apologized profusely, but you never know.... you all know how short on "diplomacy" I can be...
-- Anonymous, May 19, 2001
"you all know how short on "diplomacy" I can be... "You Carl? .... never ;)
-- Anonymous, May 19, 2001