Atheist Corner - Thought of the Day "Do Christians sin?" : LUSENET : Unk's Wild Wild West : One Thread |
"Do Christians sin?""The great foundational truth respecting the believer in relationship to his sins is the fact that his salvation comprehends the forgiveness of all his trespasses past, present and future so far as condemnation is concerned (see Romans 8:1, Colossians 2:13; John 3:18; John 5:24). Since Christ has vicariously borne all sin and since the believer's standing in Christ is complete, he is perfected forever in Christ. When a believer sins, he is subjected to chastisement from the Father, but never to condemnation with the world (see 1 Corinthians 11:31,32). By confession the Christian is forgiven and restored to fellowship (see 1 John 1:9). It needs to be remembered that were it not for Christ's finished work on the Cross and His present intercession in Heaven, the least sin would result in his banishment from God's presence and eternal ruin." (Unger's Bible Dictionary, Moody Press, p. 377).
-- Atheist Corner (Truth or@Consequences.con), May 18, 2001
THANK GOD believer's won,t be here-when GOD pour's out HIS wrath.the END of rebellion will soon'bring in the 1000 YEAR REIGN OF THE LORD. in the meantime--keep your eyes on JERUSALEM. oh and for those who mock & scorn the warning. JESUS said it will be so terrible here on earth,that men will beg for- death , but will be tormented by demons.1/3 of earth-sea-sky & 1/3 of mankind destroyed. GODS PROPHECIES WILL COME TO PASS!
do you understand GOD'S timeframe?? are you saved & ready too meet the LORD??
JESUS warned of a time of such horror-such as has never been-nor ever again shall be. ETERNITY IS A LONG TIME TO SPEND IN THE WRONG-PLACE!!!
-- al-d. (, May 24, 2001.