VCD : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread |
okay, so i've been doing some research on vcd wholesale, interested in selling vcds here in USA, it's about 6ringgit for each single vcd in Malaysia, which is about $1.5 in US currency for single order. and about under 300vcds for $200. so anyone interested in giving me some details on purchasing them for export? legal copies only please
-- m w (, May 15, 2001
I dunno, man. With the vast availability of superior DVDs on the market in the United States, I'm not sure how well you'll fare with those primitive (and often shoddy) VCDs here.
-- Wigler (, May 17, 2001.
In my opinion, dvds and players are still currently a little to pricey for average and lower income people. Most people already have a CD Rom and with VCD and Software anyone may watch movies at a considerable lower price. Of course you sacrifice a little quality but the quality is suprising with VCD's. I have a few of both VCD and DVD. I use VCD on my laptop and DVD through my home PC which is hooked up to my bigscreen. With the choices of VCD these days, DVD can wait a little longer until it is just as affordable. Besides, most people buy a movie and watch it seldomly as it is.
-- Akira Okibi (, November 07, 2001.
Hi,I am the copyright owner of some movies and we do only copy right movies.
According to my knowledge, if you can buy any original at 6 rinngit you must be careful , because it will be 99.9% pirated. If you are interested in doing some bussiness in your country drop me a mail so that we can talk bussiness.
-- Thanawat Kenneth Lim (, July 02, 2002.