What is the best software for converting asf files into avi...

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

What is the best program for this task. I want to make either some VCD's or SVCD's from various music videos, movies, etc. Most of the files are in asf format. This is the software I already have for this task,

* Easy CD Creator 3.5c * Ordix Mpack 2000 -used to split & join files * Windows Media Player 6.4 with required codecs * Cinematograph * avi2vcd 1.1 * Virtual Dub 1.3b -I have been informed that I need TMPGEnc. Is this the best tool for the job? Thanks,

-- frosty140 (frosty140@excite.com), May 15, 2001


my download an itīs programs of oncoder asf asx or rm

-- daniel mallma manrique (edaniel_mallma@mundomail.net), July 24, 2001.

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