MS Windows : LUSENET : Unk's Wild Wild West : One Thread |
How can I get the "Apply" buttons to show up (they're greyed out) in my various Settings in the Control Panel? I cannot change my settings because I cannot click on the Apply buttons.Thanks!
-- Not a Geek (, May 15, 2001
I looked it up; this is copy/pasted from a web page:When changing options on many of the 'Preference' dialogues the 'Apply' button never activated i.e., it's always greyed out. Not a big problem as the settings are retained if the OK button is selected but it's a bit disconcerting.
This behaviour follows the Windows user interface guidelines. The "Apply" button is only active when it's legal to apply changes without dismissing the dialog. When changes are only applied when the dialog is dismissed, the standard behaviour for a tabbed dialog is to have a disabled "Apply" button. You'll see this in several of the standard "Control Panel" applications
-- (cin@cin.cin), May 15, 2001.
Thanks Cin, though don't know if I understand the "legal" part.: )
-- Okay (, May 16, 2001.