The new Bush tax form : LUSENET : Unk's Wild Wild West : One Thread

There’s been much debate about Bush’s tax cut, and whether it is reckless or necessary. But what will your tax form actually look like under the new plan?

-- Cherri (, May 15, 2001


Although I am a strong supporter of our current President and his administration, I find a lot of good-natured humor in this ‘satirical’ tax form.

That being said Cherri, I have to wonder what your reaction would be if this had been presented by someone else of Republican bent?

Why the derogatory reference to Blacks with the ‘AFFIRMATIVE ACCESS CREDIT’? I would think that someone such as yourself, whose father is black, would be outraged at this ‘selective’ inference. You have demonstrated why the African American people in this country will never elevate themselves from their position at the bottom of the totem pole.

You don’t seem to have any respect for your heritage so why should you expect any better from others?

Shame on you!

-- Lay Down (on@the.couch), May 15, 2001.

Thanks for the laugh on the tax-form, Cherri, but it paled in comparison to the declaration that your dad was black. Wasn't it just last month that someone declared that your dad was Asian? [Maybe it was the month before.] I don't know where these folks get these notions, but it's always entertaining to check out this forum and find out who/what we are on a given day. It's kindof like a trip through those mirrors at amusement parks, wherein we can look short and fat in one, and tall and skinny in the next.

-- Anita (, May 15, 2001.

Anita, to my everlasting good fortune, I have never met Cherri OR you. Just as you have told us numerous times that you are married to a black dude, Cherri has told us many times that her father is a black dude. So you see Anita, this is where these silly ‘notions’ come from. Personally, I think YOU are so full of shit that you can’t remember yesterday’s lies.

-- Lay Down (on@the.couch), May 15, 2001.

Cherri has told us many times that her father is a black dude. I believe you have a comprehention problem. I have never said my Father was black.

-- Cherri (, May 15, 2001.

Pardon me for butting in here folks. I also seem to recall Cherri mentioning that her Dad was of color, a career military man perhaps? Archives anyone?

-- Just (the@facts.please), May 16, 2001.

Cherri also mentioned that Bush stole the election.

-- silly (this@is.silly), May 16, 2001.

The last poster was right, in that this thread IS silly. It began with a silly sample of a 1040 and was followed by a silly declaration about Cherri's dad. That declaration even went on to discuss pride in heritage, which is ANOTHER silly concept, IMO. There's, certainly, no need to feel SHAME in one's heritage, but I don't think pride comes from a roll of the genetic dice.

Of course the poster that tells me that *I*'m full of shit didn't produce ONE thread [of the many in which he said Cherri stated what he said she said.] He also seems to be unaware of the picture of Cherri's folks on their Wedding Day that she posted a while back.

Yep...the silliness abounds.

-- Anita (, May 16, 2001.

If Cherri's dad is black then she's adopted, she is as white as the driven snow.

-- (her parents @ never told. her), May 16, 2001.

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