ENERGY/RUSSIA - Is this city's fate to be California's? : LUSENET : Current News : One Thread


Pravda.RU:Main:More in detail

17:56 2001-05-14


The situation in one of the biggest cities of Irkutsk region Usolye-Sibirskoye is close to catastrophic. The city authorities even regard the possibility of evacuation. The resources of city budget are sufficient only for salary. It is time to close hospitals and some social objects that need to be remodeled. There are also some transport problems. And nobody can say whether there will be light and heat in the city next winter. Meanwhile Usloye-Sibirskoy which has the 105 thousand population had been once a very prosperous city. The people have gone through this winter knowing that energy can be switched off every moment. Fortunately, the city was heated till May. Now the heat is already switched off, but it is not so dangerous. It is warm enough outside. According to Valentina Bakira from city administration, the people from six houses were evacuated this winter. The heating main could not be repaired because of lack of money, therefore the temperature inside was –40 degrees of centigrade. The population of the village Novomaltinsk which is situated not far from Usolye-Sibirskoy was completely evacuated this winter. The boiler house had not been put into operation in time, heating mains had been de-frosted. The situation was as complicated as in Primorye. And the reason of all these troubles is lack of money, as usual. Now it is very important to find money to repair heating mains, to change some details in the central heating main to meet next winter fully armed.

-- Anonymous, May 14, 2001


i don't think so, OG. we have plenty of money. just ask EPNG.

-- Anonymous, May 15, 2001

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