It was the best of times. It was the worst of times… : LUSENET : Unk's Wild Wild West : One Thread

[Apologies to a certain English author (who's works bored me to tears during my abbreviated high school stint) for borrowing the opening lines of one of his novels.]

Change can come to us faster than bits streaming through a PC BUS. Some of us are crazy enough to prefer it that way. Each of us grabs hold of something or someone to keep us afloat when the waters get rough. How we survive the whirlpools, with the long, roundabout, seemingly inevitable circular pull into the vortex becomes clearer to me the longer I spend traversing these volatile seas. Thanks to those who've provided this sojourner oases at which to unload burdens, refresh and reinvigorate. Word to the universe: Keep bringing it on, baby. :)

One of my favorite songs was written and performed by the talented and beautiful Wilson sisters – Annie & Nancy. The heart of Heart. A haunting combination of acoustic and electric guitars with lyrics to match.

Crazy On You

We may still have time

We may still get by

Every time I think about it I want to cry

With the bombs & the devils

and the kids keep coming

Nowhere to breathe time to be young

but I tell myself that I'm doing all right

There's nothing left to do tonight

but go crazy on you

crazy on you

Let me go crazy, crazy on you

My love is the evening breeze touching your skin

the gentle sweet singing of leaves in the wind

the whisper that calls after you in the night

and kisses your ear in the early light

You don't need to're doing fine

my love, the pleasure’s mine

Let me go crazy on you

crazy on you

Let me go crazy, crazy on you

Wild man's world is crying in pain

what you going to do when everybody's insane?

so afraid of one who's so afraid of you

what you going to do?

I was a willow last night in my dream

I bent down over a clear running stream

I sang you a song that I heard up above

and you kept me alive with your sweet flowing love...

-- Rich (, May 14, 2001


Response to It was the best of times. It was the worst of timesÂ…

Crazy On You, from the album Dreamboat Annie.

-- Rich (, May 14, 2001.

Response to It was the best of times. It was the worst of timesÂ…

I bent down over a clear running stream


and you kept me alive with your sweet flowing love...

Kind of the opposite of your reality though isn't it?

-- Rich (, May 14, 2001.

Response to It was the best of times. It was the worst of timesÂ?

Good to see you back.

"what you going to do when everybody's insane?"

Ah yes! As my wife once explained to me, "Just because everyone does something, doesn't mean it isn't peculiar."

OTOH, sanity is never far to look. Just go outside and ignore everything directly controlled by humans. Whatever's left after you sift out the human influence is invariably sane. Always the best reason to go the park and find a dog to play with.

-- Little Nipper (, May 14, 2001.

Response to It was the best of times. It was the worst of timesÂ…

Thanks, LN.

I've found sanity to be a highly over-rated state of mind. There are times I believe it to be unachievable by a singular, detached entity. The key, IMO, is to gather around us enough insane individuals who share great portions of our 'peculiar' brand of insanity. This makes for clearer communication, empathy is easier to tap into, and we can even playact that we live in a sane world, or that WE are the sane ones in an otherwise insane world. :)

I've taken hikes each of the past two weeks and benefitted tremendously. What you say is true, LN. Just an idea for those who are into attending forum gatherings: perhaps arranging some outdoor activities such as canoeing, hiking, whitewater rafting or similar would be appealing.

Anon, AIDS is nothing to joke about. If AIDS hasn't touched your life it's hard to have perspective on just how horrible a way to die having one's immune system fail really is. Rent the movie Philadelphia. Be prepared to have the wind knocked out of you. My bet is you'll never casually toss around the acronym AIDS ever again.

As to speculation about my health and sexuality - ROTFLMAO! As sumer would say - climb aboard the clue bus, moron.

-- Rich (, May 14, 2001.

Response to It was the best of times. It was the worst of timesÂ…


The name Nancy Wilson means to me a very cool jazz singer from the early 60s (The Best is Yet to Come). Ah what a difference a generation makes.

But not entirely. I too zoned-out 0n Dickens in HS. Only much later did I realize how good he was. A social conscience for his age, a humorist, a creator of memorable characters. Every time I give my lecture on pride, I think of the smarmy Uriah Heep ("I am a very 'humble man") and I am reminded not to be too prideful in ranting against pride. There is Mr McCawber ("something will turn up"), Mrs Malaprop and even Tiny Tim. All are timeless as are the lines "it was the best of times, it was the worst of times).

If I wasn't so damn lazy, I'd reread some of Dickens. I did not appreciate him at the time. Sometimes, we'd even buy Classic Comic versions of his books. Sheesh.

-- Lars (, May 14, 2001.

Response to It was the best of times. It was the worst of timesÂ…

Well, I guess I do need to brush up my Dickens. Mrs Malaprop was not a Dickens creation. Here is a link to Dickens characters.

-- Lars (, May 14, 2001.

Response to It was the best of times. It was the worst of timesÂ…

Anon, AIDS is nothing to joke about. If AIDS hasn't touched your life it's hard to have perspective on just how horrible a way to die having one's immune system fail really is. Rent the movie Philadelphia. Be prepared to have the wind knocked out of you. My bet is you'll never casually toss around the acronym AIDS ever again.

Rich, everyone dies. Some people kill themselves. The real tragedy is that some people choose to kill themselves AND OTHERS. Those are your people. And I watched part of the movie "philadelphia", it bored me to the point of turning it off.

-- No (Joke@nally.injected.death.sperm), May 14, 2001.

Response to It was the best of times. It was the worst of timesÂ…

Gosh Rich-- What on earth prompted all this-- waxing poetic and all? Something dramatic happen to you lately? Or romantic?

Another song:

We all live in a yellow submarine.

Yellow submarine.

Yellow submarine.

We all live in a yellow submarine.

Yellow submarine.

Yellow submarine.

Yellow submarine.

-- Miss Ann Thrope (, May 14, 2001.

Response to It was the best of times. It was the worst of timesÂ…

Dear No joke.....

You're a fucking idiot. And you are hateful-- ie full of hate.

Go to Hell.

-- Miss Ann Thrope (, May 14, 2001.

Response to It was the best of times. It was the worst of timesÂ…


May you continue to survive the whirlpools of life with a song in your heart! Friends are one of the true treasures in life. Keep on hiking-Mother Nature is great teacher. Nothing like the tranquility of a quiet walk to clear one's head and make one realize how the world really works, and our place in it.

-- Aunt Bee (, May 15, 2001.

Response to It was the best of times. It was the worst of timesÂ…

Yes, those are MY people. Just as the gutless anons are MY people. Just as we all share a common bond - "simply spiralling coils of self- replicating DNA" (thank you Eric Idle).

For better or worse we're all in the same boat - or is it a yellow submarine? ;)

Anon, you may fantasize about my sex life and even post your hallucinations here at Unk's. Enjoy yourself. Label me gay. Fine with me. Am I somehow to be injured by this? LOL!

I know not what motivates others to speculate such as you have done on this thread. If there's some form of justice in this universe you will pay for your lies and innuendo. If not, so be it.

Now shoo, fly. I'll leave you with a little Monty Python gem:

Our universe itself keeps on expanding and expanding,

In all of the directions it can whiz;

As fast as it can go, at the speed of light, you know,

Twelve million miles a minute and that's the fastest speed there is.

So remember, when you're feeling very small and insecure,

How amazingly unlikely is your birth;

And pray that there's intelligent life somewhere out in space,

'Cause there's bugger all down here on Earth!

[EXCERPT: The Galaxy Song]

-- Rich (, May 15, 2001.

Response to It was the best of times. It was the worst of timesÂ…

Anon, you may fantasize about my sex life and even post your hallucinations here at Unk's. Enjoy yourself. Label me gay. Fine with me. Am I somehow to be injured by this? LOL!

I don't "label (you) gay". I believe that you are a very confused young man, and am suprised you would want to build up so much bad Karma by living in a fashion that is contrary to the will of Nature. You should follow the wisdom of Brigham Young who stated that any man who was 30 years old and not married was a menace to society. Can't you see by the way AIDS is ravishing your community that it is unnatural?

-- Turn (back@before.its.too.late), May 16, 2001.

Response to It was the best of times. It was the worst of timesÂ…

Turn has rich ever stated he was in fact gay? Nope. You just assumed. So you are an ass.

-- turn is an ass (friend@Of.Rich), May 17, 2001.

Response to It was the best of times. It was the worst of timesÂ…

So since lesbians have the lowest rate of AIDS for all groups of people, can we assume that lesbianism is more natural than even heterosexuality?

-- Tarzan the Ape Man (, May 17, 2001.

Response to It was the best of times. It was the worst of timesÂ…

What's this? Pizza Face uninvited coming to the defense of homoes? Boy! That's a new and unexpected development! (major eye roll)

-- Sheesh (Give it@rest.dumbo), May 18, 2001.

Response to It was the best of times. It was the worst of timesÂ…

Might as well

-- Bump (this@one.too), May 19, 2001.

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