From Whence the Bushes Came : LUSENET : Unk's Wild Wild West : One Thread


The liberty of a democracy is not safe if the people tolerate the growth of private power to a point where it becomes stronger than their democratic state itself. That, in its essence, is fascism -- ownerships of government by an individual, by a group, or any controlling private power." -- Franklin D. Roosevelt [The fascist economy] is organized by the producers themselves, under the supreme direction and control of the state -- Alfredo Rocco, Italian fascist economic theorist. If fascism came to America it would be on a program of Americanism -- Huey Long Fascism after all is only a development of capitalism.-- George Orwell This is what separated us from you; we made demands. You were satisfied to serve the power of your nation and we dreamed of giving ours her truth. -- Albert Camus to a German friend on World War II

Fascism doesn't start with concentration camps...That's where it ends. -- Jon Bishop

-- Cherri (, May 14, 2001


from whence the bushes came.
Author: JeramiahMoses
Date: 12-04-00 21:25

From Whence the Bushes Came

On the surface, here’s what we got. The Grand Pooh-Bah, George H W Bush, bullied his way to the (public) height of his success in 1988. He was well on his way to setting the strap to the people, when his pal, Ross Perot, stepped on some toes and George had him fired. Pissed off, the billionaire sabotaged Bush in ’92 and threw the thing to Clinton. Funny thing about it was that Bill was already bought and paid for. The Clintons sold their souls long ago. I heard that they left on a Columbian drug running plane out of Mina airport in Arkansas. But don’t tell anyone, it’s a secret. Bushes are harmless, right?

The loss to Clinton so enraged Papa Bush that he vowed revenge and the Billionaire Big Boys Club got together and hatched a plan. Jeb being the younger would take Florida, while Dazzling Dubya would dupe his way to power in Texas. All of the money flowing and the machinery churning down in Texas, coupled with the blatant raping of the environment and political corruption, drew the attention of large corporations. They liked what they saw in Texas, what with its’ total disregard for people, the environment, and the World’s rights, all for the sake of achieving greater profits. Dubya is exactly who they want to run this country. Money is their fertilizer.

My but the Bushes have flourished over the years. How did they get so big? Damn poor gardening by the American people, near as I can figure. What we once thought were harmless Bushes, were accompanied by snaking choking vines. One might have thought that America would be suspicious over Prescott Bush’s Nazi ties or George H’s involvement with the CIA and his total takeover of affairs during the “Gulf War”. You’d have thought that Dubya’s dirty insider trading, or Jeb and Neil’s uncanny ability to stick it to the taxpayers while remaining unscathed would have clued us in. But no, not a peep, even as Dubya reared his idiotic head for the highest office in the land, the American public still would not say, “enough!”. The roots run old and deep.

The thing that is hardest to calculate in this whole scenario is just how apathetic the public has become. We have come to believe that our government is guiding us in the direction that we should be taking. I mean, we elect them and they make sure that this country heads in the proper direction. That’s the deal, right? That gives us the leisure to sit on our ass and do nothing. They’re doing such a great job that half of us have decided that there is no longer any need to vote. About 22 to 24% of America really wants either Al or Dubya to be our president and most of those would rather be given a better choice. That is pathetic. The roots are in our backyards.

So where did the roots start taking hold? Prescott Bush became a part of Skull and Bones at Yale in 1917. The Order of Skull and Bones was founded at Yale in 1832 by William Russell. Russell had just returned from Germany where he had obtained permission to begin a chapter here in America. The secretive Order of Skull and Bones exists only at Yale. Fifteen juniors are "tapped" each year by the seniors to be initiated into next year's group. George H.W. and George W. Bush are both members of this secret society. The Order has its’ roots in an early 1800’s German philosophy which ended up as Hegellianism. Hegellianism at the roots.

George Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel took over the chair at the University Of Berlin in 1817, and was a professor there until his death in 1831. Hegel was the culmination of the German idealistic philosophy school of Immanuel Kant.

To Hegel, our world is a world of reason. The state is Absolute Reason and the citizen can only become free by worship and obedience to the state. Hegel called the state the "march of God in the world" and the "final end". This final end, Hegel said, "has supreme right against the individual, whose supreme duty is to be a member of the state." Both fascism and communism have their philosophical roots in Hegellianism. Hegellian philosophy was very much in vogue during William Russell's time in Germany. Maybe we should look into eradication.

So where does that leave us?
I like this analogy.

The liberty of a democracy is not safe if the people tolerate the growth of private power to a point where it becomes stronger than their democratic state itself. That, in its essence, is fascism -- ownerships of government by an individual, by a group, or any controlling private power." -- Franklin D. Roosevelt

[The fascist economy] is organized by the producers themselves, under the supreme direction and control of the state -- Alfredo Rocco, Italian fascist economic theorist.

Fascism after all is only a development of capitalism.-- George Orwell

-- Cherri (, May 14, 2001.

This opinion piece isn't worth the electrons it's written on.

-- (try@gain...), May 14, 2001.

Ya but them FACTS are way kewl.

Yo go Cherri!

-- go get a diaper chance jerk (dingbats@surfaceyet.again), May 14, 2001.

kewl facts?

Not a fact in this piece.

-- (kewl@this...), May 14, 2001.

Well then spell it out. What is FACTUALLY in error?

Ya have a nice day! and I think Wheel of Fortune is on now, so run along. Rush be up soon as well to regroove your rut for ya.

-- (timefor@therepugstofind.anotherboard), May 14, 2001.

i ain't a "repug"

i'm an independent who wants both extremes to cut the BS

-- (notdem@nd.notgop), May 14, 2001.

Gail Norton was once a Libertarian, so what?

-- (thescum@willcomeinmanyforms.usa), May 14, 2001.

Have you ever seen Midland, Texas, per chance? It's The Grand Dubya's home town and looks like the far side of the moon with only oil rigs dotting the landscape. So, who can blame Dub? He just wants the rest of the country to look like his homeplace.

Regarding the article, I appreciate its passion, but it's of no consequence now. The game is over. The rapists and plunderers are operating out in the open now. It's far too late. If only we had heeded President Eisenhower's words in 1959 when he urged the citizenry to be vigilent lest the Military Industrial Complex become too large and powerful. Or Jimmy Carter's in 1979, when he devised an actual plan to overcome energy shortages that would have resulted in our country's self-sufficiency by the year 2000. But no-ooooooo. We, collectively, have been too busy sittin' on the sofa, watchin' TV and eatin' chips.

And the stupid, stupid people of the far right have allowed themselves to be manipulated by the rhetoric of morality and Christian values, uttered by pawns of the Republican party such as Rush and Pat Robertson. These moralists, these Puritans, these impassioned believers-- have failed to recognize that they have been used as a voting bloc by sinister, monied and corporate entities behind the scenes.

The far left is no better in that their good intentions of creating a better world through legislation have devolved into the insanity of "political correctness." How stupid to be more concerned about the liberty of a fellow citizen to live as he wishes, than the sinister doings of coporate entities that manipulate the economy, the press, the federal government and people at large, including the slaves in the Third World.

Stupid. Stupid. Stupid.

In short, we have the government we deserve when there are so few among us who understand history, power and secrecy, and so many who are content to wallow in apathy.

-- Miss Ann Thrope (, May 14, 2001.

MAT, I prefer to wallow in mud, but the rains have been scarce the past few years and I can't seem to find a good recipe for making mud. So apathy it is. A guy's gotta wallow in sumptin'.

-- Rich (, May 14, 2001.

Thanks Rich for changing the subject. It's all too depressing to think about.... I'll just have to think about it tomorrow. After all, tomorrow is another day.

Hmmmm. Wallowing in mud. So many mental pictures. So little time.

-- Miss Ann Thrope (, May 14, 2001.

Miss Ann Thrope, you just have to be the most ignorant bitch on the planet. You make it sound like GWB ‘invented’ Midland, Texas and designed it to his tastes. Good grief woman, you are too stupid to be allowed outside.

-- Lock (this@moron.up), May 14, 2001.

Dear Lock,

How can I respond to your comments when you've missed the point? But thank you anyway for illustrating *my* point with your remarks. I'll add them to the data bank as further evidence of the grand, vacant mental wasteland that is known as the "voting public."

BTW you Dubya fans would probably feel better and surely could think better if you could somehow extricate yourselves from the vast asshole of the far right and its propaganda.

I'll stop now-- although I could go on. It's just not fair.

-- Miss Ann Thrope (, May 14, 2001.

Just so you all know what crank leftie web site Cherri scrounged this silliness----

-- (Paracelsus@Pb.Au), May 14, 2001.

To repeat a salient point from "this silliness":

"[The fascist economy] is organized by the producers themselves, under the supreme direction and control of the state."

-- Alfredo Rocco, Italian fascist economic theorist.

Americans are taught that fascism was 'Hitler and all those Brownshirt German Nazis and them Italian black shirts under Mussolini.' So, by definition most Americans believe fascism must always and forever be a)foreign and b) defeated and c) past. How could it be otherwise? Hitler died in 1945. Germany was de-Nazified, right? We won, right?

So fascism is dead, right? We are taught that America is the nation that hated fascism so much we killed it for all time! We crushed the fascist Nazis under the heel of our enlightened democracy, just like we crushed the damn Soviet dogs of communism under the heel of our enlightened democracy. Then we wiped off our heel and a new day of enlightened democracy dawned over the whole world. Our enlightened democracy will soon achieve total world domination!

In the years to come the whole world's economy will be organized by the producers themselves, under the supreme direction and control of our enlightened democracy. I think I will be sick now and avoid the rush later.

-- Little Nipper (, May 14, 2001.

Little Nipper-- Egg-zactly. So, would you also agree that this battle between the right and the left in our country is beside the point-- and perhaps even orchestrated behind the scenes to distract us?

-- Miss Ann Thrope (, May 15, 2001.

I smell conspiracy theory coming on. *Sigh* Doomer logic taking over again.

Lock, how could you argue with logic like that? So you've made Miss Ann's point and you didn't know it could be that easy.

-- Lucy (missing@link.for.homo.sapiens), May 15, 2001.

"So, would you also agree that this battle between the right and the left in our country is beside the point"?

The ancient Romans perfected the techniques of divide and conquer. The patricians of modern America understand and apply these techniques with great exactitude. Actually, I should say they "employ" them, since the actual dirty work is rarely done by the members of the upper crust, but by their very highly paid hirelings.

It is nothing short of amazing to me to watch the machinery of opinion channeling at work. Doesn't anyone ever ask themselves who owns all those talking heads from the think tanks, who is bankrolling all those 100K+ salaries, and what form the return on investment takes?

The super rich farm the masses. We are their chattel.

As far as I can see it works this way. Every attempt is made to identify the brightest young people and to persuade them to train for useful positions within the system. To the extent they are willing to accept the status quo, they are sheltered and rewarded. This is the orderly working of the system. Most of the bright people in the system understand how little freedom they have. No one in power objects if they express this understanding in a cynical and impotent way - turning it into an "in" joke.

A certain percentage of the bright ones turn renegade. This is inevitable and the powerful understand this very well and are fully prepared for it. Until a renegade makes enough trouble to actually disturb the smooth functioning of the system, they can be safely ignored. Once they rise to the level of a nuisance, the first step is to co-opt them back into the system by offering them a higher level of shelter and reward in exchange for renewed cooperation with the goals of the system. This works 99% of the time.

Very rarely a renegade will spurn cooperation and rise to the level of a mild threat. At that point all the resources of the powerful are turned agianst that person. Their character is always vigorously assailed in public by the vast PR machinery, in an effort to marginalize them. This takes care of most threats. Really persistant renegades are subjected to force. As much as it takes.

Yes, Miss Ann Thrope, I do notice that the issues that cause the most fuss in national politics, such as abortion, don't ruffle the feathers of the powerful even slightly. They are content to let either side win. The rich are justly wary of the "left", but they know how to handle it. They are always very careful to offer the people an effigy, a sort of "stick figure", to stand in for the left in most elections. Al Gore was just such a figure. So was Clinton. This ensures that even when the "left" wins, they win.

-- Little Nipper (, May 15, 2001.

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