Toyo Optics : LUSENET : Camera Equipment : One Thread


I just picked up a Toyo Optics Nikon mount (AI) 28mm-80mm f3.5 macro (true) zoom lens. A search of the web shows this company now makes large format equipment. does anyone know about this company's 35 mm camera lens? What is/was their reputation with these lens?



-- Tom Vaughn (, May 13, 2001


To the best of my knowledge, Toyo have absolutely NO reputation in the field of 35mm lenses. In fact, I doubt that it's the same company that manufactures the LF cameras and filmholders.
A quick websearch just revealed two companies called Toyo, one selling electronic instruments, and another selling tyres! It's probably the Japanese equivalent of 'ACME'.
AFAIK, the Toyo LF company has no optical manufacturing plant of its own, and these Toyo lenses will almost certainly be re-badged versions made by someone else.

-- Pete Andrews (, May 14, 2001.


I have a Toyo 2x converter for Canon FD mount lenses. Incidentally, it works very well. When I bought it used several years ago, I contacted the Toyo people (the large format Toyo) and asked them a couple of questions about this particular piece of equipment. They said that they did not manufacture any 35mm equipment and added that the name Toyo is a very common one in Japan, in their words, "like Smith or Jones in the US". They gave me no real leads as to the Toyo company that actually manufactured the converter.

I am sure someone else can add more insight than this little tidbit but wanted to pass it on to you.

-- Richard Snyder (, May 14, 2001.

I have had a couple of Toyo Canon mount lenses which were actually of excellent quality, mine were all metal etched marks with multicoat optics made in Japan. Don't know who actually made them though. These lenses are sold regularly on e-bay from 40-120 dollars so they must have made a few of them. They're probably not worth much for resale but are a bargain for what you get. The 80-200 Canon mount zoom was over 200 dollars when I bought it in the late 70's so they were probably comprable to the Vivitar series one in quality, probably as good as the consumer quality Canon brand name lenses though not the pro model lenses

-- Bob Haymond (, August 17, 2001.

I have a Minolta MD mount Toyo 2x TC that I use with my 300 f4.5 lens. Gotta say, it works VERY well.

The image here:

Was shot with that config on Fuji 400 print film!

It seems to be sort of like the Ukranian camera situation... You roll the dice with each bit of equipment. Shoot a couple of rolls through it and see if you like it. If not, take it back/sell it.

-- Don Tuleja (, August 17, 2001.

Toyo Optics USA. ceased business in early 1980's. Their lenses were a generic veriety of lesser quality but acceptable to general public, who could not afford an OEM brandt. There are no parts or services available so be gentle with this lens.

-- Peter Repich (, June 28, 2002.

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