Neutered cats and mating season - they're acting : LUSENET : Xeney : One Thread |
Both of my cats are neutered, and have been since they were approximately 6 months old. However, every few months (which I can only guess parallels heat season for the sexually active kitties in the world), they start acting excessively needy and make with the constant meowing. There's no humping or spraying, but they require lots and lots of quality time.Are my cats simply neurotic and in need of a Prozac cocktail, or are neutered pets still subject to the hormonal whims of nature, even without their gear? Should I just get used to it and start making fun of them to pass the time?
-- Anonymous, May 13, 2001
Maybe their stuff grew back.
-- Anonymous, May 13, 2001
Gabby, I don't have the scientifical facts at my fingertips, but I'll tell you that my cats are going through the exact same thing - both neutered, both nuts. Not sure if it's mating season, or spring, or what it is.But I'll tell you I almost had a heart attack, and cried, when I found the boy sitting on top of the air conditioner, this morning. Outside. This is a problem because we're on the fourth floor.
See, when he gets like this, he flings himself at the windows, and wants outside. He finally made it, and in a way that made me almost fall over dead. Christ.
I would suggest, if they're not doing scary endangering things, that yes, you mock them mercilessly.
-- Anonymous, May 14, 2001
My cat Rudy was neutered at the usual age, and never seemed to have urges of any kind. Until we got Sally, that is. Sally went into heat once before she was spayed, and Rudy, uh, expressed his interest in a very physical way. And he still does it to this day, even though Sally is now an It, too. Spring time is definitely the worst. (See "Spring Fever," also on this board somewhere.)
-- Anonymous, May 14, 2001
Our cat Anakin (named prior to Episode 1 when that was still a sort of cool name) humps nearly anything fuzzy. Blankets, pillows, stuffed animals, whatever. Like your cats he has been neutered, but the humping and *strong* urine smell continues.Our vet says that since he is attempting to gain "alpha male" status in our "pack" his other glands have taken over producing the extra testosterone lost by neutering him. I'm not sure whether I buy that or not.
My other cats seem to prefer that he hump stuffed animals since he isn't attempting to hump *them*. I can't say as I blame them.
-- Anonymous, May 14, 2001