I See Where Timmy Got a Stay.......greenspun.com : LUSENET : Unk's Wild Wild West : One Thread |
Looks like Timmy McVeigh got a stay of execution today. Gonna be 30 more days now.....Bummer....
-- Deano (deano@luvthebeach.com), May 11, 2001
1) If evidence was withheld that was material to the defense-- things like, witnesses observing somebody different fleeing from the scene, and a case can be made that this other testimony was not followed up, thereby affecting the plaintiff's defense... and that therefore any confession was made under duress... what is the outside chance that a mistrial is declared? And, given the double jeopardy protection, what is the chance that the accused walks?2) If the accused walks, what are the chances that he becomes president in 30 years, and also at that time wins the Nobel peace prize? After all, some might say there is a tradition for this, as witness what they would call the terrorism-to-national-leader-and- peace-prize-recipients Menachem Begin, and Nelson Mandela.
-- HowCouldItHappen (TooWeird@By.Far), May 11, 2001.
libby don't play that game, yo bible-thumping self righteous attitude is making us all sick BeanBag. Yo, you don;t likeit do-nt let the door bump you but o-n wayyyy out.
-- Beano (beano@fubtheline.com), May 11, 2001.
The whole case will be dismissed on a technicality and he will walk a free man, coming soon to your neighborhood.
-- (good @ job. fbi), May 11, 2001.
"libby don't play that game, yo bible-thumping self righteous attitude is making us all sick BeanBag. Yo, you don;t likeit do-nt let the door bump you but o-n wayyyy out."I take it English is not your 1st language. Bible thumping self righteous attitude?? HUH?! I also take it intelligence is not your forte either.
Nice try and thanks for playin!!
-- Deano (deano@luvthebeach.com), May 14, 2001.