ADMIN - If you didn't receive an e-mail about the temp opening of the old Currents, please let me know here : LUSENET : Current News : One Thread


-- Anonymous, May 11, 2001


I didn't.

*sniffs underarms* I took a shower! :)

-- Anonymous, May 11, 2001

Well, I just came in from cleaning the hen house, but Gee whiz...I dibn't think I smelled that bad! Taz

-- Anonymous, May 11, 2001

I didn't either.... But I told you that already :)


-- Anonymous, May 11, 2001

I did. But now my Compuserve email account has crashed and its filing cabinet utility won't let me fix it. So I hope you won't have to send another very soon. :(

-- Anonymous, May 11, 2001

Say, I didn't get an email! Does this mean I'm in the dog house?

-- Anonymous, May 11, 2001

USA.Net won't let me send to more than 9 recipients at a time. I put everyone in groups of 9 (there are 14) and started sending them out. I lost count in the middle--hey it was early! I thought I'd lost one group but didn't know which one. I use the bcc feature so nobody sees all the addresses and--guess what? The copy that goes into Send doesn't have the bcc Group or Individual names on it. So next time, I'll put the Group No. on each set I send out. Sheesh!

Sorry for the idiocy. Just remember if this place goes down, we'll be over at the old place.

-- Anonymous, May 11, 2001

Guess what, Dood, you're not on the list! If you'll send your real e-mail address to, I'll make sure you get on it.

-- Anonymous, May 11, 2001

For those posters who think nobody reads their stuff, you can see some of the MANY lurkers here.

Lurkers, please remember we can't see you reading threads, so an occasional "Hear, hear" or simple "You're all doing a fantastic job despite the unimaginable constraints of your real jobs, families, other obligations, and so on, and your dedication is highly commendable, I don't know how you do it" would be appreciated.


-- Anonymous, May 12, 2001


-- Anonymous, May 12, 2001

Boopboop shebopbop ramalama

And boys and girls out there in the studio audience, you don't have to just sit there in slack-jawed wonder, YOU CAN JOIN IN TOO!

Then again, thinking of some of the utter morons I've seen posting elsewhere recently, maybe keeping your counsel would be a wise thing - - you can just give out the occasional words of praise, OK?

Or buy the book of our collected bon mots when we finally have it ready.

-- Anonymous, May 13, 2001

I didn't get one either. Should I take it personally?

-- Anonymous, May 15, 2001



Nah, you were in that lost batch.

-- Anonymous, May 15, 2001

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