Dog photos -- warning, big files : LUSENET : Xeney : One Thread

By special request, and because I'm too lazy to write an entry today. Please excuse the evil eye you're getting from Crash and Mochi in some of these.

Crash and Doc, very sleepy. Like my lovely sofa cover? That's because Crash and Mochi chewed holes in the new one from Pottery Barn.

How could you not forgive that face, though?

Doc is feeling much better these days, but you couldn't tell from these photos. He looks deceased.

Jeremy and I think Crash looks like Seth Green.

It is so hard to photograph young dogs. They are always moving. This was originally a very cute picture of Crash and Mochi, but then they moved.

Except for Mochi's evil eye, they're pretty cute when they're like this.

-- Anonymous, May 11, 2001


Oh. MY. GOD! Your dog does look like Seth Green!

-- Anonymous, May 11, 2001

Yeah, it's creepy, isn't it? He doesn't even look like Seth Green as OzWolf -- he just looks like Seth Green. Sometimes it really creeps me out, like his this little human trapped in a dog's body, and he's trying to communicate to tell you how to get him out.

Or maybe I'm just weird. Except Jeremy sees it, too, and he's not as weird as I am.

-- Anonymous, May 11, 2001

I still think Crash and Howard are cousings. Those spots--they crack me up! And then there's that shot of Crash thoughtfully licking his elbow.

Mochi looks so lovely--and strangely graceful.

Doc just looks tired--what have you been doing to him?

Thanks for the pics, Beth.

-- Anonymous, May 11, 2001

I've been walking his ass all over town, and throwing the ball for *hours*. I don't know what's up with Doc all of a sudden. He's not limping at all, and he has more energy than either of the younger dogs. He plays with Crash all day (and they play HARD), and then he wants to fetch whenever I'm home. He hasn't wanted to play fetch for a long time, but now I throw the ball in the morning, I throw it at noon, I throw it when I get home from work, and I throw it some more before I go to bed -- usually after our two mile walk.

I'm worried about him overdoing it, but the vet said he should be as active as he wants to be.

Mochi is looking very graceful now that she's growing up. We've always wondered what was in her mix, and it wasn't until a month or so ago that I looked at her and thought, duh! Greyhound! These photos don't really capture that, but trust me, it's pretty obvious if you see her moving around.

She's such a sweet dog. I wish she weren't a freak, but at least she's a sweet freak.

-- Anonymous, May 11, 2001

*sigh*. Thanks beth :-).

-- Anonymous, May 11, 2001

ahhhh, dog pictures! Thanks Beth! :) Does this mean you are keeping Crash?!

-- Anonymous, May 13, 2001

May i just say that i'm freaked out by the fact that he really DOES look like Seth Green?


-- Anonymous, May 14, 2001

Can other people post their dog photos here? I've never had dog photos before. It's very exciting!

-- Anonymous, May 14, 2001

Oh, man, Ian, he's adorable. Can't wait to meet him.

But I really must point out that he looks nothing like Seth Green, and nothing like any other Buffy character, living or dead.

-- Anonymous, May 14, 2001

Ah, but he plays with a toy that resembles Mr. Gordo, Buffy's stuffed animal. So he's in the Scooby Gang.

And, in his native land, we watched Buffy dubbed into German. So there are connections.

-- Anonymous, May 15, 2001

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