UFO/ET - Dr. Greer update

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You can now access the video presentation of the Disclosure Project that was done on May 09, 2001 at the Washington Press Club.


-- Anonymous, May 11, 2001


Gordon, you don't know how upset I am, we have installed Real player, we have uninstalled real player, we have stood on our heads! and we have not been able to download or see or hear this disclosure yet!

I don't know what else we can do. Dan worked on it last night just so I could hear it, and he couldn't! I worked on it the night before!

-- Anonymous, May 11, 2001

Is Dan blonde also?

(as he runs for cover :) )

-- Anonymous, May 11, 2001

I hate RealPlayer. it sucks. All it does is screw up my machine.

probably designed by aliens.

By the way, an interesting thing I just saw, at Iwon.com is 'Today's Survey.' Asking about UFO's, etc.


-- Anonymous, May 12, 2001

I don't have any trouble at all with Real Player and never have. It works like a charm. I am using AOL as my ISP and IE as the browser. Maybe that is the key to it all. If you can figure out how to get Real Player to work, do it. Call them, or email them for help. The video presentation of the Disclosure Project at the Press Club is terrific. All that remains now is to try to figure out why so many people are still either ho-hum about this or continue to deny and debunk.

Personally, I am most excited about the electric technology discussion, which I have seen talked about at other web sites. The whole fossil fuel and nuclear power generation industry is eventually going to be ancient history. Here we are, debating how to supply more electric power, drill more wells, conservation, etc, and all the while there are numerous people saying we have the answer sitting on the shelf but can't get the government to move on it, or pry it loose from the secret wraps that some industry powers hold it under. And don't expect much from Bush or Cheney, they are big oil people, have made their millions in that arena, and have been backed by money from that sector for many years. No way will he volunteer to dump that now.

-- Anonymous, May 12, 2001

nevermind. You can guess what I was trying to say. I'm going to bed.

-- Anonymous, May 13, 2001

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