Spring fever.

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Xeney : One Thread

Do you have it? I do. I'm taking long walks every evening with Doc and Mochi, dragging them all around town until they're ready to drop from exhaustion, just because the nights have been so beautiful, still and warm and just slightly humid. It's really turned into summer here already, with temperatures around 100 during the day, but it doesn't matter -- everyone's roses are blooming, and the cute boys are out and about everywhere you look.

I really love springtime, allergies notwithstanding.

How about you? Are you finding it hard to concentrate on work? Are you thinking about sex all the damn time? Did you get a bunch of new clothes for summer? Did you paint your toenails pink? Or is it just me?

-- Anonymous, May 11, 2001


Trouble concentrating on work? Yes. Bunch of new spring clothes? You betcha. (And dieting, too, in preparation for summer.) Painted my toenails pepto bismol pink, even.

I'm also taking random pictures of tulips, because I love them and they are beautiful.

At the end of March, I was informed that I will no longer have a job here at this place after the end of May, and while that was very upsetting and stressful and blah blah blah (and still is, in a lot of ways, since I don't have a new job yet), the best part about that has been that I can roll into work at 10 a.m. and roll back on outta here at 3:30 or 4:00, and nobody blinks an eye. I can walk by the lake, and drive around the city with the windows down, and sit at home in our back yard feeling that perfect breeze blow by.

Springtime. If it's gotta happen, it's definitely a good time to get fired.

-- Anonymous, May 11, 2001

My toenails and fingernails are pink, and I only went to one class this week. I'm going to spend the rest of the day getting a tan and planting dephiniums and convolvuluses.

-- Anonymous, May 11, 2001

Oh, yeah. I thought I'd outgrown this sort of thing (especially now that I live in SF where there isn't much of a change weather-wise between winter and spring) but no.

All I want to do is skip out on work and go sit in the park. And my hormones are going crazy!

All this is made worse by the fact that lately I'm supposed to be spending most of my time at work thinking and writing in preparation for a hugely important exam I have to take in 2 weeks. I can't concentrate! I feel like I've reverted to my teenage self.

-- Anonymous, May 11, 2001

I know. I'm keeping my blinds closed at work, because if I can see out, I can see that all the gardens are in bloom, and it's a beautiful day. And I can't leave. I have to be here. Bah, humbug.

-- Anonymous, May 11, 2001

Nuh-uh. I train sword & karate outdoors three nights a week, so there's no surprises in the weather for me. Then again, I'm older than most of you ladies, so the hormonal thing might not be happening for a couple reasons...

-- Anonymous, May 11, 2001

I'm constantly running around in cute little skirts and skimpy tops with my hair up and fake tattooes lately. And I'm most likely going to order more of them this weekend. I can't stop craving cute skirts and skimpy tops, even if the latter is causing men to pull over asking me if I want a ride (ewwwwwww).

You should see me today: Hawaiian dress with no bra, two fake tattooes, and my hair all up in braids coiled around my head. I'm surprised I haven't burst into singing "I Feel Pretty" at work yet. But since I'm going to Davis Hippie Weekend after this, at least I'll fit in.

My toenails are purple, they were a purple-pink last week.

-- Anonymous, May 11, 2001

We went to the Whole Earth Festival in Davis this weekend. Many, many cute long-haired boys running around with their shirts off. Sigh.

I made Jeremy drive into the country so we could make out in the car and watch the sunset. Spring fever, indeed.

-- Anonymous, May 14, 2001

old people making out --- ewwwwwww.

(I'm kidding. Don't be mad, it was a joke. I was just playin'! Old people makin' out ain't that bad.)

-- Anonymous, May 14, 2001

Dude, Jeremy's only 28. So it was more like an old lady making out with a little boy, and there ain't nothing wrong with that.

Everyone liked Harold and Maude, right?

-- Anonymous, May 14, 2001

You just called me dude. Hmph. There's no need to get your panties in a wad, I said I was playin'. You know I think you're very nice looking and I'm sure that you and your boyfriend were the picture of eroticism while you were making out in the car. You didn't have to come at me with all that dude stuff. I hurt.

-- Anonymous, May 14, 2001

How old are you, Rudeboy?

-- Anonymous, May 14, 2001

There's this huge hedge growing out in front of the house. Greg and I hate it; it covers everything and it needs to be pruned and/or moved because it looks like the bramble hedge surrounding the castle in Sleeping Beauty. We've been plotting to have it dug up for months.

But two weeks ago it bloomed. It *bloomed*. It's not a hedge at all, but a huge enormous cluster of beautiful white azalea bushes, and it's like a big beautiful snowball hugging the house and I love it to pieces. When the wind blows and the windows are open, the house smells delicious. I sit at work all day entering stupid subscribers into my stupid database and daydream about spending the day with my azaleas.

-- Anonymous, May 14, 2001

Would that be mentally or physically? No matter. In either case I fear the answer lies somehwere between puberty and viagra and varies from moon to moon.

I'm 28. I'm sure I told you that before in one of my posts professing my undying luv for you. It read along the lines of, "Jen, yes, you are older, but does luv know when your birthday is? Does luv keep a calendar and circle each annual date in red? Will luv be the waiter asking if you'd like the senior menu? No. No I say. Even though chances are you will die before me, because you're old, I will luv you up and until three days after that sad, sad day."

Don't you remember?

-- Anonymous, May 14, 2001

Well, women live longer than men, so actually, Beth and I will probably outlive you.

And don't forget, women supposedly reach their sexual peak at thirty and men at eighteen, so I still have mine ahead of me while yours is but a distant memory...

-- Anonymous, May 14, 2001

Very funny gal, that J-Dub. Any wonder why I luv her so?

Of course you're right, as usual when it comes to sex talk, but ita ain't fair. It leads me to wonder, why did God throw the sexual peak timing so far out of whack? Does the sex drive in women increase around thirty, when the laws of gravity begin taking hold, so they'll be up for doing seriously kinky stuff in order to keep the fading interest of their male partners?

-- Anonymous, May 14, 2001

Gravity? I don't think any of us lovely xeney forum ladies have any idea what you're talking about.

-- Anonymous, May 14, 2001

I do not know this "gravity" of which you speak.

Oh, that's a lie. I've shaken hands with gravity once or twice. But my push-up bra thinks it's all just a myth.

-- Anonymous, May 14, 2001

Actually, women reach their sexual peak at about forty.

Thank goodness.

Al, who will be celebrating his 21st wedding anniversary Thursday--- 21 very happily married years---and knows whereof he speaks. Have I ever mentioned, though I'm 47, Barb is a few years younger than me?

-- Anonymous, May 14, 2001

I have a question about this sexual peak business, but I'll ask it in a new thread so as not to corrupt all this lovely spring talk with potential bickering.

-- Anonymous, May 14, 2001

are you being sarcastic? hope you don't think that I'm bickering. Gentle bantering maybe, but truth be told, I prefer to think of what I do as "making luv through ascii'.

-- Anonymous, May 15, 2001

No, I wasn't talking about any bickering that had happened, but about bickering that might happen if we started discussing sexual peaks. But it didn't happen anyway.

-- Anonymous, May 15, 2001

The hardest thing for me during spring is not letting myself sunbathe. I did tanning beds and lots of sun until I turned 26. Then skin cancer started cropping up in my family. Not my immediate family, but close enough. Now I'm 30 and my skin hasn't seen sun without suscreen for four years so I'm proud of myself.

I miss it so.

I work in a college library, and the girls are all coming in with dark tans and skimpy clothes. They make me smile in all their cuteness.

And LILACS are blooming here in Wisconsin. I love, love, love the lilacs. I clip new ones from my lilac bush every few days to keep my house knee-deep in the scent of them. They are everywhere this week and they make me really HAPPY.

-- Anonymous, May 16, 2001

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