Humor - Bumper Stickers (CAUTION: ADULT HUMOR) : LUSENET : Current News : One Thread

If You Don't Believe In Oral Sex, Keep Your Mouth Shut.

Impotence: Nature's Way Of Saying "No Hard Feelings."

It's Been Lovely, But I Have To Scream Now.

Please Tell Your Pants It's Not Polite To Point."

Saw It... Wanted It... Had A Fit... Got It!

Constipated people don't give a crap.

My kid got your honor roll student pregnant.

If at first you don't succeed...blame someone else and seek counseling.

Horn for finger.

Honk If You Love Rear End Collisions!

You're Just Jealous Because The Voices Are Talking To Me.

The Earth Is Full - Go Home.

This Would Be Really Funny If It Weren't Happening To Me.

So Many Pedestrians - So Little Time.

Cleverly Disguised As A Responsible Adult.

If We Quit Voting, Will They All Go Away?

The Face Is Familiar, But I Can't Quite Remember My Name.

Eat Right, Exercise, Die Anyway.

Illiterate? Write For Help.

I Do Whatever My Rice Krispies Tell Me To.

I Haven't Lost My Mind, It's Backed Up On Disk Somewhere.

If sex is a pain in the ass, then you're doing it wrong...

Fight Crime: Shoot Back!

Boldly going nowhere

CAT: The other white meat

Honk if you've never seen an Uzi fired from a car window

Heart Attacks...God's Revenge For Eating His Animal Friends

-- Anonymous, May 10, 2001


Response to Humor - Bumper Stickers

A bumper sticker with attitude:

"No, You suck (signed: the Mean People)"

Political thought for the day: "Reunite Gonawandaland"

(Gonawandaland was the original super-continent.)

-- Anonymous, May 10, 2001

Response to Humor - Bumper Stickers

-- Anonymous, May 10, 2001

Response to Humor - Bumper Stickers

"Relax, it only feels kinky the FIRST time"

-- Anonymous, May 14, 2001

Y'all are getting naughty. Mother says tone it down.

-- Anonymous, May 14, 2001

Keep honking. I'm reloading.

-- Anonymous, May 14, 2001

"Once, a philosopher. Twice, a pervert." -- attributed to Voltaire

-- Anonymous, May 14, 2001

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