Kicking the anthill : LUSENET : Unk's Wild Wild West : One Thread

People who believe in...

- gas saving devices that nobody else knows about... - chemtrails... - Goddess Venus... - the power of chrystals... - the power of pyramids... - fortune tellers... - channellers... - psychics... - mediums... - insert new age fad here...

are gullible as hell and most likely idiots in general.

-- (.@...), May 10, 2001



-- (.@...), May 10, 2001.

I'm confused--

which forum are you talking about?

-- this one (, May 10, 2001.

Hey .@...

I guess that's why we enjoy your postings too, eh?

-- (-@--.-), May 10, 2001.

People who have nothing better to do than insult others are worse than idiots, they are worthless assholes!

-- (@ is @ an. asshole), May 10, 2001.

and you know it

-- So are You (lick @ my.crack), May 11, 2001.

You forgot Free energy and Aliens amongst us.

-- Ron

-- Rkba (, May 12, 2001.

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