Starting over... : LUSENET : The Christian Church : One Thread

In the thread, "An awkward occurance with a preahcer" I responded to Danny thus:

Thanks for a good post, Danny.

I agree that the position one takes on pacifism does not define who is saved and who is not. People in my own church disagree with our own doctrinal position on it. I don't like it, but many of them are among the finest Christian people I know. I guess my struggle is with those who are adamant about being pro-gun. I can understand why you are equally uncomfortable with my position. Everybody on this forum knows where I stand so I will do my best to drop the issue--I am not going to persuade anyone, nor is anyone going to persuade me. All the cards are on the table with where we stand. Let's leave it there.

What about the baptism issue--if someone has been baptised by immersion but does not see that as an essential part of the gospel to be preached, are they saved or lost?


Now I start a new thread, hoping to put things on more positive ground.

-- Anonymous, May 10, 2001

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