Guess I said Bye-Bye to TB2K Part Deux : LUSENET : Current News : One Thread

If you haven't found the above offensive, I really don't think you'll find this offensive, but just in case, you've been warned that these links continue to be shallow and insensitive....

Is this you?

Or does this explain it?

Peace, love and tolerance from a California American Indian/Mexican/Irish person who's favorite gay uncle died from aids three weeks ago....

May God visit your house with the blessings and prayers you have given so freely here to others...

Since Dennis started the thread I threw up on, I'm sure it'll be deleted soon... Self-control Carl, self-control... Screw it, I'm me....

-- Anonymous, May 10, 2001


What set me off, among others

This helped a lot

Icing on the cake

-- Anonymous, May 10, 2001

Carl, far as I know Sweetie and I don't associate with any gays. Why not? Because we never damn well ask about anybody's sexual preference, that's why, none of our business. Long as it don't scare the horses, people can do what they damn well please in the privacy of their own homes. What DOES bother me is people who say brutally ugly things about other people's lifestyle, immigrant status, hair color, or brand of dental floss. I railed against it on the first two Timebombs and I deleted posts where I could. So did one or two other sysops--but there were those who fervently believed such posts were protected under the First Amendment.

All of us admins here know that, if they appear on this forum, posts even close to the ones you reference above are to be deleted without consultation with the other sysops. Normally, we check with each other on something before we do it but not under those circumstances.

If anyone feels differently, they may go to another forum and talk about their prejudices--but not here. Hate speech is not welcome. No, I'm NOT politically correct and I'm prejudiced against most liberals, not to mention most extreme, far right-wing conservatives. You all know I've stepped in when I thought a thread was getting a little bit out of line and I admit to being arbitrary and capricious. What the hell do you expect a despot to be?

We've got a good group of people here, and me'n the other admins will make damn sure it stays that way. [Anyone got a WAV of a whip cracking?]

-- Anonymous, May 10, 2001


Guess I don't read to much of TB anymore, as I sure didn't know about the above threads.

I agree with OG. My boss is a gay man, and he is a wonderful person. As of late, I have started to be concerned for his health as he doesn't look as well as he used to. But I don't ask questions, at least not now anyway. I have a great uncle who is also gay. I love that man.

When you see discussions of this type of 'sensitive' nature, you become sometimes painfully aware of just how small some people are. Just don't let your smallness block out the big picture of us all.

Sheeple - who holds her arms open to give you a huge hug... just because

-- Anonymous, May 10, 2001

Carl, I'm so sorry to hear about your loss. May your memories of your uncle be ones that bring you joy and wisdom. I treasure my gay friends and gay relatives, my life is enriched by them.

As for the TB2k and its various offspring, they've been flagrantly homophobic, racist and religiously intolerant for a very long time, which is why I stopped posting in those cesspits long ago. It's just business as usual for that crowd, unfortuneately. While I may lurk there occasionally, it's only because I think it is important to make myself realize that there are really people who think like that out there, since I don't generally run into them in my daily life. I have no desire to contribute to any site that accepts such mean-spirited and ugly speech.

-- Anonymous, May 10, 2001

"the thread I threw up on" LOL, I do feel that way at times. I'd be so better off just taking the anti-nausea medicine instead, but avoiding the bait. But if you can't refrain, at least take good aim!

-- Anonymous, May 10, 2001

(((Carl))), I am so sorry for the loss of your uncle and the hurt that you feel. I wish I could give you a real hug.

-- Anonymous, May 10, 2001


OOOPS! That should have read, don't let OTHERS smallness block out the picture.

Sorry about that.

Sheeple - who should NOT post when she has had insomnia. 30+ hours awake :(

-- Anonymous, May 10, 2001

I felt I had to post directly to Satana, after her said what he did. This type of thing shouldn't be allowed on any board. ****************************************************************

Re: [ot] So where's the fire and brimstone?!?! ----------------------------------------------------------- Satanta,

You said "Can we start shooting these 'Queer as Folk' yet?"

I wanted to believe people would evolve to be more loving of their neighbors, no matter the color of their skin or if they were gay.

From your statement, I can tell we have a long ways to go to get even close to that. It breaks my heart to read you would like to see gay people maimed or dead.


-- Anonymous, May 10, 2001

Good for you, Maggie! It's probably chucking seed on stony ground but I applaud your effort.

-- Anonymous, May 10, 2001

Thanks for your condolences.... Gary was one of the biggest-hearted people I have ever meet, and a close friend. He was best man at my wedding, although I did tease him when we had kids and would introduce him as their Aunt Gary :)

I had sat an talked with him for a long while Easter Sunday, and he was doing well, but complaining about having to take 20 pills a day just to stay normal, and not even getting a buzz for his efforts... it was a week later he came down with some sort of infection, and on the second day he called my mom complaining he couldn't breath. My mom and younger brother rushed over, and he was unconcious and turning blue... when they got him to the emergency room, they said he was in cardiac arrest. They turned off the life support a few hours later, and let him pass. He had lost a kidney in a bad car wreak three years ago, so his bodies defenses against infection were weak anyway, combined with Aids, his body was too weak to fight.

At least he went quickly, rather than some of the unfortunate ones who linger on to waste slowly away, until they pass in some Aids ward...

Yep, I dropped in over there to join in the conversation on the Disclosure project, when I made the mistake of reading a few of the homophobic threads, including Satanta's shooting the gays, and "lock and loading" to send the mexican's back to Mexico...

I can see nothing has changed over there....

-- Anonymous, May 10, 2001

I have not even looked at these threads.... I will though. I usually skip over all the religious stuff unless I'm alerted to a problem and glance at them. Don't wanna get into pissing war over that kinda stuff. It's usually not worth it. I'll get back to ya all once I've looked at them. From this read, they don't sound to good and I may have a word to say about them myself.


-- Anonymous, May 10, 2001

Thanks, Kath!

-- Anonymous, May 10, 2001

Okay, I've looked..... Not to pleased with what I saw. Here is copy of my post. I hope it helps some to think a little.



Okay I'm gonna add my two cents to this with something I really want all of us to think about! I was told this by an uncle, who has long since passed on when I was child and I have ALWAYS remembered it.

Every person has the need to become someone. Every person has the right to become someone. Even if what their becoming, isn't becoming to you. It is their right and their need!

Now a lot of the behavior here on this thread and a few others I've read today to me is not becoming, but I'm trying very hard to understand it. What is the reason for the hatred and fear??? I don't know the answer, but I think we all need to look a little closer to an old saying and remember.....

At first they came for the Jews, but I was not Jewish, so I said nothing. Then they came for the Catholics, but still I said nothing because I was not Catholic. Then they came...... I'm sure you all remember how this one ends it wasn't very pretty and neither is this thread. So all I ask is for some ADULT TOLERANCE to be displayed. Words of hate, murder, kill, etc.... ARE JUST NOT the way to make a valid point. If your trying to express your feelings there has to be a much better way to help someone to understand your side then this display I've seen here......

Humbly, Kath

-- Anonymous, May 10, 2001

ABC News

WIRE: 05/10/2001 11:38 am ET

Man pleads guilty to gay bar shooting

The Associated Press

ROANOKE, Va. (AP) A man who opened fire at a bar frequented by gays, killing one patron and injuring six, pleaded guilty to first-degree murder and six other charges Thursday.

Ronald Edward Gay, 55, who told police he was upset that his last name made him the victim of jokes, faces a maximum of four life terms plus 60 years in prison for the Sept. 22 shooting, said John McNeil, assistant commonwealth's attorney.

Gay agreed to plead guilty to murder and six counts of malicious wounding after prosecutors offered to drop seven firearms charges, reducing the maximum penalty by about 33 years in prison, McNeil said.

Gay has condemned homosexuality and told police he was humiliated that three of his sons changed their last names.

The day before the shooting, Gay checked into a nearby hotel. According to police, he began asking where the gay bar was and telling people he wanted to shoot gay people.

Someone gave him directions to the Backstreet Cafe and called police.

Danny Lee Overstreet, 43, died at the scene.

Gay called himself a "Christian soldier working for my Lord" in a letter mailed to the Roanoke Times in March.

His only prior offenses were a trespassing violation and an injunction for domestic violence, both misdemeanors.

-- Anonymous, May 10, 2001

Carl, my tomatoes went in the ground last evening. It's a special moment for me. More than anything else I grow, I try to nurture them right and they have rarely disappointed. They are what they are, which is usually pretty special. Just wanted to let you know that I was thinking of your uncle during the planting. Consider them nestled away in his memory.

-- Anonymous, May 11, 2001

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