Hiya Everyone!greenspun.com : LUSENET : DaVinci's Exile Test : One Thread |
I recently dropped by notebook looking for any sign of life....asked around bout all of you guys and would love to hear what I have missed...summer is almost here and I can't wait to speak to you all! Love, Jenga
-- JengaTonic (jencrazy69@hotmail.com), May 09, 2001
Hey Jenga! LTNS!!Alas, everyone was probably off dancing with the cows or something. :- ( A lot of us ~try~ to be on on Sunday evenings (after 8pm ET), but it's been sparse lately. I think everyone's infected with Stuff To Do In Real Life (which isn't necessarily an evil thing).
The boards here and the ones at community zero are being used more than chat sometimes, I think -- Have you joined the one over at http://www.communityzero.com/exile-test?
(if not, password to join is "buddha" -- all lowercase, no quote marks)
Hope to see you around more!
-- editrix (editrix@hotmail.com), May 09, 2001.
Hey, Jenga! Sorry I missed you. As long as there is a chat program some of us will be around to use it. Hope to see you soon.
-- Laighe of the Limberlost (laighe@excite.com), May 25, 2001.