Atheist Corner - Thought of the Day : LUSENET : Unk's Wild Wild West : One Thread

What does Science Say?

Here are some wise words from a respected man of science: "Evolution is a fairy tale for grown-ups. This theory has helped nothing in the progress of science. It is useless." (Professor Louis Bounoure, Director of Research, National Center of Scientific Research).

-- Atheist Corner (Truth or@Consequences.con), May 09, 2001


What does Unk say?

Here are some wise words from a respected man of conscience: "Anyone who thinks he is smart enough to understand a being that could create the entire universe out of nothing is a victim of fables and fairy tales for grown-ups. The idea that such people can tell others about the purpose of such a being is useless." (Uncle Deedah, Director of Sanity, Unk's Wild Wild West Forum).

-- Uncle Deedah (, May 09, 2001.

Unfortunately, this quote has been misattributed to Bounoure. It was actually taken out of context by Jean Rostand, a famous French biologist. Here's a link for you.

-- Tarzan the Ape Man (, May 09, 2001.

From your 'link'

"Evolution is a fairy tale for adults" is not from Bounoure but from Jean Rostand, a much more famous French biologist (he was a member of the Academy of Sciences of the French Academy).

-- Atheist Corner (Truth or@Consequences.con), May 09, 2001.

Here's more wisdom...

"Scientists who go about teaching that evolution is a fact of life are great con-men, and the story they are telling may be the greatest hoax ever." (Dr. T. N. Tahmisian, Atomic Energy Commission, USA).

-- Atheist Corner (Truth or@Consequences.con), May 09, 2001.

You left out the rest of that paragraph.

The precise quotation is as follows: "Transformism is a fairy tale for adults." (Age Nouveau, [a French periodical] February 1959, p. 12). But Rostand has also written that "Transformism may be considered as accepted, and no scientist, no philosopher, no longer discusses [questions - ED.] the fact of evolution." (L'Evolution des Especes [i.e., The Evolution of the Species], Hachette, p. 190). Jean Rostand was ... an atheist.

-- Tarzan the Ape Man (, May 09, 2001.

You guys are arguing over how many angels can dance on the head of a pin. Simple fact is that, right now, no one knows our origins. Maybe someday we will. IMO that day will never come. In the meantime, what is is. Deal with it.

-- Lars (, May 09, 2001.

Belief in a universe of law -- and the faith that truth can be found -- is the essence of mythology and science.

AC, Evolution and Creationism are myths. You will never sway the scientists that "believe" in a random primal ooze, and likewise they will never sway those who "believe" in a divine creation.

Reality is a superposition of belief systems that form a wave-like distribution of conscious mind. "Truth" is relative.

And I think the greatest hoax ever would have to be reserved for the Roman Catholic Church.

-- (@ .), May 09, 2001.

"Evolution is unproved and unprovable." (Sir Arthur Keith--he wrote the foreword to the 100th edition of, Origin of the Species). "

-- Atheist Corner (Truth or@Consequences.con), May 09, 2001.

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