Calling Gordon - re Dr. Greer : LUSENET : Current News : One Thread


I listened to bits and pieces of the project disclosure event today from the national press club. (Wish I could have listened to more, but their servers kept crashing. It is almost over now, and I have listened to the past 15 or so minutes.)

Dr. Greer has come a long way from his founding of CSETI. I am impressed now with things I am hearing from him, as well as the others. I'm glad that he isn't trying to contact them anymore with mirrors and flashlights.

Hope you got to hear the broadcast. I hope it is archived somewhere, as I would REALLY love to hear the entire thing. The bits and pieces I heard from the former .mil types.... interesting.

-- Anonymous, May 09, 2001


got a link there, sheeple?

-- Anonymous, May 09, 2001

Still taking questions from the press...

Hopefully this will work...

look at

So far the .org site doesn't have all the details of this press conference.

Damn, I miss working at the space center. :(

-- Anonymous, May 09, 2001


Good for you. Glad you took time to view what you could of the information being presented. I watched about an hour of it myself. I kept getting stopped from signing on during the first hour, probably due to overload on that site's servers. Finally got linked up during the second 1/2 of the presentation.

I was very impressed with what was being presented by the various witnesses. I can't imagine that the media can now just ignore this matter, it's so extraordinary and the technology mentioned would be of such immense benefit to us all, especially the zero-point electrical energy that could supply all of us with all we desire, for very little cost, and virtually eliminate fossil fuel burning and nuclear power with all its problems of waste disposal.

I hope that we will see a ground swell to at least get a serious congressional investigation in swing real quickly, and I hope that will be openly televised by CNN or some other cable channel at least. This is very serious business going on here, beyond just the ET stuff. We humans have a right to have the technology available to us all, regardless of the short term effects on the social and political scene.

I further hope some of us here will try to stay abreast of this breaking story and continue to post updates if/when the media begins to cover this in more detail. The web site for Dr. Greer, CSETI, will soon have archives of the presentation, and video tapes for sale. I don't take issue with them selling tapes, since they are struggling for funding to continue their work. They get no public funding for this.

Dr. Greer's site

-- Anonymous, May 09, 2001

rats. the first link needs a program I don't have, and the second doesn't want to load.

I guess since you said they keep crashing that the demand is high and I can't get in.

I'll try again later, and look for y'alls updates.

Thanks Sheeple.

-- Anonymous, May 09, 2001


It requires realplayer.

One question that was put to them was if any on the stage had gone against their security clearances and oaths to speak. All refused to answer.

One journalist asked Dr. Greer the types of checks he did on these people, stating that if one could be proved to be submitting false testimony, then the entire press conference would be a joke. Dr. Greer said that he had screened these people over and over. The .mil types can prove they were where they say they were at the time they say they were. Some are speaking after being made to feel intimidated. Some have stated that they know of others who have simply not been around anymore (if you catch my drift). These people may just get something going.

In all honestly, I believe, and have for at least 30 years, that we are not alone, and that we have been monitored. Some things I can talk about, some I can't.

-- Anonymous, May 09, 2001

I only caught about 15 minutes, it was just crashing too often.

John Velez, one of most intelligent and observant posters on UFO Updates , had this to say of the planned press conference: "It would be nice to think that this is going to make a difference. Somehow I doubt it. Why the Hell should the gubbamint suddenly do a 180 on a policy that it has so staunchly maintained for half a century or more? Because Greer serves them watercress sandwiches at a VIP luncheon? I don't think so." In other messages there are also some interesting comments about the money angle here, and I look forward to further analysis from that group of posters.

Do check out the article on the Disclosure Project by Michael Brownlee I linked to on the "baseball on the moon" thread. Brownlee was quite involved in Y2k discussion as well. He has a good article on what we didn't learn as a society from Y2k.

-- Anonymous, May 09, 2001

It just finished up now. Said that it will be archived on the national press club web site for 6 months, as well as the web site.

Give them some time to get the archive there and listen. I know I shall, as I missed most of the actual statements by the witnesses. They are all going to meetings on the hill now.

-- Anonymous, May 09, 2001


John Velez is most likely correct. Money is the driving force behind most things on this planet. Think about civilization and the chaos that would break out. What if everything that you (not you really but as a population) had been led to believe turned out to be false? What about the religions of the world? If it were proved that "they" were out there, who would the governments of this world fight? Remember that war is BIG MONEY. (sad but true fact) If "they" are out there and can get to us, what chance would we have against them?

One of the AF retired people (Robert Solis - AF 64-71) stated that in March 67 he was a missle launch officer. 10 weapons went into a "no go" or unlaunchable state while a UFO hovered outside the gate. A telex from SAC HQ stated that they (SAC) were very disturbed that they lost use of 10 of their missles.

It would appear to me, that if they were indeed hostile, that we would have no defense.

-- Anonymous, May 09, 2001

"Hostility" can take many forms. While we may often think of hostility as open confrontation with superior weapons, that is not the only effective means to take over control of another cutlture. In fact it's probably not even the best way, since it creates an underlying resentment and eventual civil disorder against the aggressor. Even among us humans, aggressive hostility by one nation can lead to a backlash from other nations. A certain set of "rules" are more or less agreed upon when interfering with each other.

A better way is to take over control, or at least make deals with, the present government or leaders. We did that here in the US with the Native Americans (Indians) time after time. Treaties that were approved by their own leadership, but then broken by us. Or go into virtually any 3rd world country and see how their government system was coopted by either some other government, or large world class business powers, or even certain religious factions.

Not dealing with a local population, in their own best interest, is a common historical fact between the more powerful and less powerful nations of humans right here. Would selfish aliens be any less adept at such things? If it came to a shoot out, they would likely whip us good. But shootouts are not the best way to take over another race.

-- Anonymous, May 09, 2001


Agree with you.

But look at human nature. Will people believe in Big Foot until one is captured (ie dead) and put on display? While some believe that they have had encounters with this species, the general public does not have any 'proof' that they exist.

-- Anonymous, May 09, 2001

UNfortunately, I missed the whole thing. Will check it out when they post an archive.

I'm afraid I'm of the opinion that until someone like CNN broadcasts something like this, without the humorous sarcasm they injected into many of their y2k reports, it will not accomplish anything, outside of maybe raise a little money for the organizers....

-- Anonymous, May 09, 2001

Coming on Fox news in a couple of minutes 11:27 am now...

-- Anonymous, May 09, 2001

Rather brief, playing x-files theme while they showed some ufo footage... the anchor was making jokes about aliens in the building, etc..

Did show the one speaker talking about recovering ufos, bodies and live survivors. Also mentioned the testimony about shutting down weapons systems, as well as having other witnesses kept from testifying do to security oaths....

All kind of toungue in check, didn't quite ridicule the whole thing, but the tone was disparaging at the beginning and end...

-- Anonymous, May 09, 2001

I think the proof exists, and plenty of it. The problem has been an official position of denial, debunking, and ridicule, for over 50 years. Dr. Greer has many credible people (at least I consider them credible) who are willing to tell what they know. But they're afraid, and want some assurance of protection, before a congressional inquiry.

We all know that many issues have two solid sides to them. One side states one thing, the other side states the opposite, and/or ridicules the first side. That's what's going on here with the UFO/ET matter. Any individual must look at both sides and decide. Honestly. Are those speaking out about personal experience hoaxing us, or are they somehow mentally deranged? If the weight of evidence reaches a certain volume, then I personally have to think it's those taking a hard line negative position that are suspect, not the other way around. That is a difficult point to reach, because it is in effect labeling our own government, and the official spokespersons, as liars, or intentional deceivers, or both.

At this point the media could easily lose control of the matter. All it will take is for a few high level people in Congress to want to open it all up for public debate. Incidentally, don't expect too much from George Dubbya, his own dad was one of the CIA chiefs who was actively covering all this up at one point. I can't imagine they will desire for some of those facts to come out now, plus plenty of others.

As I alluded to previously, the weak link in the sandbagging could very well come as a result of the California power crisis this summer. If the electrical situation begins to go into disaster mode, some folks who already know about the zero-point energy technology available right now will likely be motivated to open that door. *Any* door that is opened now will be the invitation to join a whole new world.

-- Anonymous, May 09, 2001

Sorry, didn't catch this thread until I paged Carl. I got to see about an hour and 15 minutes. I was surprised at the credibility of the witnesses I got to see. The Q & A seemed to be a little "softball" to me, in retrospect.

The "alien expert" guy kind of gave me a chuckle with the "57 varieties" of aliens. He made reference to not having a "scientific explanation" of why ALL are "humanoid, bipedal"...kind of waited for a segue into a "created by the same divine..." (You get the idea.)

One other "issue" I have is Greer mentioned a witness from Boeing Aerospace, in regards to the artificiality of structures on Mars. He referred to this person as "witness AH", which I could not find on his website.

Also a question for any ex-mil's... what is a "DD214"? Greer mentioned this when referring to credentials of some witnesses. (Surely not a "dishonerable discharge"?

Definitely worth re-watching though. Surprised there's no hubub on any news sites about it.

Ho-hum, just another day on planet Duh, eh? Woof (means take me to your leader)

-- Anonymous, May 09, 2001


So now I'm mentally deranged? ;)

Seen things in a personal nature that make me believe.

Seen things in a work environment that make me believe.

But the thing that really makes me believe, is when I look at the night sky and ask myself "Is it possible that we are really alone?"

Somehow, I keep coming up with the same answer.

I agree with the theory that we are more like teenagers (I actually think infants) in the universal picture of things. Somehow, I wonder if there are worlds much like ours that are in the early stages of development out there somewhere. Wouldn't it be kinda cool if there were planets somewhere that was still in the jurassic stage? Wonder if the governing boss of the universe is sitting somewhere saying he/she'll keep doing it until the humanoids finally do the right things.

-- Anonymous, May 09, 2001

DD214 is your official discharge paper, not the pretty certificate, but with more detail on your service, etc... that's the doc you need to prove your service for veteran's benefits...

Fox news is going to air a segment on the disclosure news conference again in a few minutes, if you missed the other...

-- Anonymous, May 09, 2001

Tom Van Flandern and Brian O'Leary gave a New York press conference on Mars anomalies yesterday, which has been covered today in the tabloid the New York Post on p.4, with a 6 x 6 inch blow-up of his "crowned head" near Syrtis Major, slide #44 in TVF's April 5 press conference.

TVF's slide 44: 20system/cydonia/asom/artifact_html/default.htm

TVF's press packet for this conference: 20system/cydonia/asom/pressconf_nyc.asp

NY Post coverage:

Doesn't seem to have otherwise made the major wire services. The article mentions pyramids and tubes. May have some synergy as a one- two punch with the Greer event, which I was only able to see for 10 minutes having been repeatedly knocked off the server.


-- Anonymous, May 09, 2001

The correct url for disclosure project is

or Link for your clicking pleasure.

Sorry for putting it in wrong before. Baaaaaaad sheeple

-- Anonymous, May 09, 2001

This is akin to putting the horse after the cart, sorry, but only just now ame across it.

Daily Record and Sunday Mail (UK)

Wednesday, May 09, 2001


UFO watchers to reveal proof that aliens have visited Earth

PEOPLE who claim to have seen UFOs have long been ridiculed and written off as practical jokers or attention seekers.

But a unique event being held today will challenge even the most sceptical members of our society.

At a Press conference in Washington DC, evidence from a group of more than 20 sober citizens, including former top military and government personnel, will put forward the case for UFO sightings to be finally taken seriously.

US casualty doctor Steven Greer, who leads the conference, will claim he has definitive proof of what millions of X-Files fans have long suspected ... not only do aliens exist, but they have also made contact.

Dr Greer has spent eight years and a staggering pounds 3.5million gathering evidence to prove little green men are not just figments of our imagination.

He claims his expert witnesses will verify that aliens make frequent visits to Earth. Dr Greer says: "These testimonies establish once and for all that we are not alone."

The expression "flying saucer" dates back to June 1947, when pilot Kenneth Arnold spotted something strange over Mount Rainier as he flew home to Oregon.

In the same year came Roswell, when it was claimed a spacecraft crashed near the town in New Mexico and alien bodies were taken away for examination.

The sighting went on to boost Roswell's tourist trade and even spawned its own TV show, Roswell High, which was shown on BBC2. Since then, humans have been going saucer-crazy.

Hollywood has fuelled the "we are not alone" argument with a series of blockbuster movies, including ET and Men In Black, in which Tommy Lee Jones and Will Smith were agents in a special force which dealt with aliens who came to Earth and posed as humans.

Away from the film studios, sightings are on the increase and claimed alien abductions and crop circles have become regular occurrences.

But today's historic event, which will be broadcast live on the Internet, will reveal perhaps the most compelling evidence yet that UFOs do exist.

More than 20 military, intelligence, government, corporate and scientific witnesses will tell the world's media - and millions of online viewers - that life does exist beyond this planet ... and that it has already made contact with Earth.

There will be sceptics, but there can be no doubting the calibre of the witnesses.

They include Master Sergeant Dan Morris, former US Air Force and National Reconnaissance Office operative with cosmic top secret clearance, Dr Carol Rosin, space missile defence consultant and former spokesperson for Wernher Von Braun, and Major George A Filer III, formerly of Air Force Intelligence.

BUT perhaps the most amazing witness will be John Callahan, former Division Chief of the Accidents and Investigations Branch of the US Federal Aviations Authority, who says he has first- hand experience of extra-terrestrial activity.

Callahan says he watched in disbelief as a flying saucer chased a Japanese Airlines 747 across the Alaskan skies for 31 incredible minutes.

Air and ground-based radars confirmed that the former aviation chief wasn't seeing things and half-an-hour of radar data was collected.

Yet 24 hours later, Callahan's report of a UFO sighting had mysteriously vanished.

According to Callahan, he attended a meeting the next day with representatives from the FBI and President Reagan's Scientific Study Team.

But according to the CIA, that meeting "never took place" and the incident was never recorded.

Callahan, though, is defiant. He insists: "As far as I'm concerned, I saw a UFO chase a Japanese 747 across the sky for over half-an- hour on radar. It was faster than anything I know of in our government."

Today's event, at the National Press Club in Washington DC, will see a similar story from US astronaut Gordon Cooper, who claims his squadron filmed a landed UFO at his American Air Force base. Cooper says the film was "flown out on a general's plane to the Pentagon" and was never seen again as it mysteriously vanished.

Then there is the US Navy captain who recovered the bodies of three 40-inch tall, four-fingered aliens in olive green flight-suits from an escape pod in the South Atlantic. The aliens were removed by a US submarine - and then disappeared without trace.

There is also an Air Force intelligence major who claims an alien was shot dead trying to get into the New Jersey McGuire Air Force Base in 1998.

They will be joined by a senior intelligence officer who says the US keeps alien vehicles and ET bodies in storage at Arizona's Fort Huachuca air force base.

Since August last year, the event's host, Dr Steve Greer, has been gathering evidence from more than 100 UFO witnesses from around the world.

GREER is the founder and director of the Centre for the Study of Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence in North Carolina, which he set up in 1990 to "establish a diplomatic and research initiative to contact extra- terrestrial civilisations.

It was set up to forge a "sustainable, peaceful and mutually beneficial relationship" and "to educate all sectors of human society about this subject in a credible and non-harmful manner".

CSETI is the only worldwide organisation dedicated to establishing peaceful relations with extra-terrestrial life forms.

Greer believes these first-hand testimonies, along with supporting government documents, will establish without any doubt that extra-terrestrials regularly visit our planet.

He reckons he can prove that the American military has tracked and even recovered alien spaceships - and their occupants - and wants the US government to disclose records of its alleged encounters with extra-terrestrial life-forms.

He says: "Technologies related to extra-terrestrial phenomena are capable of providing solutions to the global energy crisis and other environmental and security challenges."

Greer's infatuation with UFOs started at the age of eight, when he claims to have seen a flying saucer in broad daylight. He is convinced that there is a plot to conceal their existence from us and that for the past 50 years, the US government has kept a tight lid on the matter.

He says today's conference has the world's best collection of sworn statements from military and space agency personnel, scientifically-confirmed photographs, videos and movie footage of UFOs and ET craft.

All the witnesses who speak today have agreed to testify under oath.

The conference will be broadcast live on the Internet from 2pm today on events/disclosureproject.

Greer is convinced today's event will convince sceptics that UFOs do exist and will also bring contact with aliens a significant step nearer.

And he insists that can only be a good thing for the people of the world.

He explains: "The disclosure of the truth will have far-reaching implications for our society - new technologies to end pollution and global warming, long-term solution to the energy crisis and the beginning of an era of peaceful relations with other civilisations in space."

-- Anonymous, May 09, 2001

Old Git,

You really posted it earlier, it was just that time loss thing going on. ;)

-- Anonymous, May 09, 2001

CNN getting ready to do a report on the Disclosure conference... it's slightly after 3PM PST...

Wonder if they'll be more serious than FOX?

-- Anonymous, May 09, 2001

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