CONSUMER RECALL - Farting toys make Mexicans sick : LUSENET : Current News : One Thread

[You can't make up this stuff.] Ananova : Farting toys make Mexicans sick Mexico has issued a nationwide alert after discovering that farting toys are making kids sick.

The Federal Attorney General's Office for Consumers banned sales of the so-called Fart Bags and Fragrant Bombs, 5,000 of which were confiscated over the weekend.

The toys produce a farting sound and fetid odour when sat upon.

The nation's health secretariat issued a warning that the citric acid and bicarbonate of soda inside the toys were causing dizziness and vomiting.

-- Anonymous, May 08, 2001


Can't wait for Dave Barry to write about this. OG, you're right -- you can't make this tuff up. Darwin Award material.

-- Anonymous, May 08, 2001

Is it just me, or does something smell in this story?

-- Anonymous, May 08, 2001


I think you should get a couple of those things and try them out when you get one of those cell phone calls at a bad time. Let us know if:

1. They really do make you sick.

2. If they help reduce the cell phone calls at odd hours.

-- Anonymous, May 08, 2001

I don't need one of those stinkers around. I've got 9 puppies that are starting to eat a little real food. One doggie fart is bad enough, but when you get all of them going at once.... you might as well evacuate the neighborhood. :) Now if I could only catch the 'puff' of air sound in the mouthpiece... LOL

-- Anonymous, May 08, 2001

Wadda they do--blame it on the human?

-- Anonymous, May 08, 2001

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