SL....asphalt sealing : LUSENET : Current News : One Thread

Asphalt Sealing

It's spring in many places, and it might be a good time to seal your asphalt driveway. Sealing asphalt should be considered routine maintenance as it prolongs the life and appearance of the surface. Professionals use materials unavailable to the homeowner, but a good job can be done with materials from the home center at a considerable savings. Regardless of who does the work, preparation is essential to a lasting job. Oil spots must be cleaned with a detergent and not a solvent. Weeds must be removed from all cracks and the surface must be clean. Cracks wider than a hairline should be filled before sealing. It is always a good idea to follow directions on the bucket of sealer. Don't put this one off too long, as it will be hot before you know it.

- Stephen Corwin

-- Anonymous, May 08, 2001


I sure wish someone would do my driveway. It looks awful.

-- Anonymous, May 08, 2001

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