Hello Strangers

greenspun.com : LUSENET : DaVinci's Exile Test : One Thread

Hello friends! Never see anyone much these days. Hi to lehave , Goc, Leu,leucite,Shelby,laighe, wash,editrix,sunflower,hey hey, cat,Shosh, con,lady,katya,gyps so many more... Tell me whats happening and where and how do we all get to meet up and chat again. I'll be there. Peace and Love to you all Josee

-- Josee (mcounty@one.net.au), May 08, 2001


[waving at Josee]

Hi!! We're mostly trying to get together on Sundays in Excite VP, in Exile ... and any time in between that people happen to be online. :-)

We also have another message board that has more bells and whistles -- it's at: http://www.communityzero.com/exile-test. Just go there, set up a (free) account at Community Zero, and then you can join the Exile community by using the password "buddha" (all lowercase, no quote marks). If you have any problems joining, let me know by email!

-- editrix (editrix@hotmail.com), May 09, 2001.

Hiya Josee * hugS* nice to see you still exist on the virtual . Hmmm Sunday night ? Thats Monday midday for us isnt it? I usually log on for awhile in my evenings, which is the day after or before, for the rest of the denizens? damn time zones.Don't mind me Iam just thinking out loud. Its a messy mind. :-) ( I still use icq, btw) *waving to everyone else too*

-- Adele (gyp3@hotmail.com), May 19, 2001.

Hey Josee, good to hear from you. Wondered where you had got to. I have just back from 10 days slave labour in Beijing, China. New job, and they send me straight overseas. Looks like more travel in the pipeline, but it's not much fun when you have to work. I have no idea when Sunday night is relating to UK time, probably 4am, which I have no intention of seeing, unless suffering from jetlag as I am today! Still picking up email though, and icq, so would be good to hear from you. Hope you're well.

love leu.

-- leucite (leucite@hotmail.com), May 28, 2001.

Just in case you didn't get my first message - Hi Josee!

-- Laighe of the Limberlost (laighe@excite.com), June 01, 2001.

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