WHITE HOUSE - Private quarters cost $250,000 to fix after Clintonsgreenspun.com : LUSENET : Current News : One Thread |
Gawd, did they forfeit their security deposit???No More Flying Lamps
It wasn't just the White House West Wing and the Old Executive Office Building that took a beating in the last days of the Clinton administration. Apparently the presidential residence wasn't in such good shape either. According to one White House source, the private residence required close to $250,000 in repairs and "touching up" in the weeks following the Clintons' exit and the Bushes' arrival. "It was everything from paint and wall paper to replacing linens and other things that suffer wear and tear," says a current administration staffer. "Unfortunately it was more tear than wear in this situation. It was a whole bunch of little things that added up to a lot of work for people."
-- Anonymous, May 07, 2001
One has to wonder if the Clintons were that "bad" on the living quarters or,.... hey come on,.... if every one that moves into the White House uses the same White House towels, same White House linens, the Same White House China,..... I mean there is wear and tear....I even have to replace things every now and then! but $250,000.00 I think they used the same guy that charges 375.00 for a tylenol on my health insurance!
-- Anonymous, May 07, 2001
Well, they talked about linens. Now I have some towels I bought from Jacques Pennee 13 years ago and I just now replaced them because I'm tired of the colors; they're still good. I have some sheets from Sears, bought 25 years ago when Sears was still friendly with Roebuck, and I retired 'em earlier this year because they were starting to get a bit thin. Now I figure the White House probably buys Portault linens or something posh, maybe 300-count or whatever as opposed to the 180 I had. I've got perfectly good lamps from 25 years ago (course, I don't chuck 'em at Sweetie). Yeah, sure, I can see some high-traffic areas needing replacement carpeting, a few of the cups and plates gone kaput from the everyday china and glass, why not.But this is the private living area, not the state dining room or official reception rooms or anything--and how many nights did they stay in the damn place anyway? I mean, they were gallivanting off to all kinds of foreign climes and they didn't spend much time watching soaps there during the day. Surely the private living quarters didn't get any more wear than the average motel suite--and maybe less. So I tend to go with the "tear" statement made by the spokesperson. Stuff got ripped and broken from very careless use. They just couldn't have cared less.
-- Anonymous, May 07, 2001
new mirrors in the bathroom. new toilet, new bidet, new tub, new shower, new tiling, fixtures, etc.wallpaper, paint, new woodwork all around, new windows?, carpet, new closet linings, shelving, furniture, lighting.
I'm sorry, but that figure is waaaayyyyyy to high. I don't care how many rooms, I just can't see it costing that much. For that price they could build several homes and furnish them with good furniture and appliances.
Me thinks someone has very expensive taste.
-- Anonymous, May 08, 2001