Did you ever wear a favorite piece of clothes to death?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Unk's Wild Wild West : One Thread

Just for a change of pace, did you ever have some favorite piece of clothes that you just wore until it fell into ribbons?

For example, back when I was in High School (don't ask) I found a nice work shirt that my dad had bought, but had worn only occasionally. He let me have it. Boy howdy, they made some nice work clothes way back when. This was all-cotton, made in the USA, an interesting salt and pepper woven fabric, fit me fabulously and I fell head-over-heels in love with it.

I wore it at least once a week. Then it got too frayed at the collar and sleeves, so I converted it to a camping shirt. I never went camping without it. It got thinner and thinner, so I just wore it on hotter and hotter days. One day I wore it hiking and after lunch I put my knapsack on, and r-i-i-i-p! Darn thing split right across my back like it was a piece of gauze. By then it almost was. Wasn't hardly enough of it left to give a decent burial.

Man alive, I miss that shirt. They don't make 'em that way any more. Or maybe I'm just getting nostalgic for when I had a flat stomach and plenty of hair.

Anybody else here ever loved an article of clothes to death?

-- Miserable SOB (miseery@misery.net), May 07, 2001



I had an old Conch Republic T-shirt from the 10th anniversary Conch Republic Independence Day celebration,I wore that damned ol' shirt till even *my* friends were makin' fun of it,and me.I finally folded it up and put it away,all the while swearing to find another just like it.

Well,the search ensued and after 10 years or so I finally gave up,then out of nowhere,guess what? I found one!!! exactly like the one that had been given up for dead.

This long time search was just culminated this past Sat and my goods are on their way,had to get a hat too.Feelin' very vindicated and triumphant.Will order a couple more just for back-ups.

You post was uncannily timed.

-- capnfun (capnfun1@excite.com), May 07, 2001.

My grandfather had a beautiful camel hair coat. He was a big man, the coat was a 50 long. I remember one day as a young girl (I was about eight) I went off to play in the snow and got lost. Grandpa found me and wrapped me in his camel hair coat. It smelled like pipe tobacco and aftershave. The sleeves hung down to my knees and the hem of the coat almost dragged the ground. It was like wearing a big hug from grandpa. I don't think I've ever felt as safe and loved as I did that morning wearing his coat while he took me back to the house for hot chocolate.

My grandfather died that spring. Grandma said each of us grandkids could have one thing that belonged to him. Naturally I asked for his coat. My mother was smart enough not to let me touch it or wear it often. At times when I was very upset, I would slip into that coat and feel better somehow. I actually wore it to the SATs because I was so nervous.

I'm about 5'5 and 130 pounds. Grandpa's sleeves still hang down well past my hands and I could fit another person inside his coat and still button it up. Over the years, people have suggested I have the coat sized down to fit my frame, but I just don't have the heart to do it. The coat is in remarkably good condition, considering its age. Sometimes I swear I can still smell grandpa's mix of aftershave and pipe tobacco.

-- Alice in Wonder Bra (alice@wonder.bra), May 07, 2001.

I've scratched the crotch out of every one of my pants. L

-- (Just@keeping.score), May 07, 2001.

No, never. I never did that. I always dispose of my clothing after wearing it once.

No one does that. That's silly.

-- (new clothes @ every. day), May 07, 2001.

The wife had to promise sexual favors for me to get rid of two pieces that fit this description. Guess where they ended up?

-- Enlightenment (gone@away.now), May 08, 2001.

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