i need to know alot about poe's stay at west point .

greenspun.com : LUSENET : The Work of Edgar Allan Poe : One Thread

ladies and gents, i have a resurch paper do by thursday april 10 th and it is on poe's stay at west point militaery school and i can not find anything that is not said over and over agian on poe's stay at west point so if you would. please send as much info. before my dead line. thanx.

-- Anonymous, May 07, 2001



At http://www.poedecoder.com/Qrisse/westpoint.html there is some information concerning Poe's stay at West Point but it lacks the detail you seem to require. There are two books I would recommend, the first by Arthur H. Quinn, "Edgar Allan Poe - A Critical Biography" 1941 which you may find in your local library. Also the 1992 edition of Kenneth Silverman's "Edgar Allan Poe, Mournful and Never-ending Remembrance" and should be available in book stores.


-- Anonymous, May 07, 2001

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