S.L. tips...selfcenterd bits

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Current News : One Thread


While not an everyday occurrence for most homeowners, mounting hinges is a task that comes around from time to time. Exact positioning is important. A common difficulty encountered in the process is getting the screw hole in exactly the right place. Anything less will cause the hinge to move out of alignment when the screw is turned in. Wood grain is the culprit here, guiding the drill bit off the mark slightly. Cabinetmakers and carpenters are familiar with this and use a self-centering bit. This bit is encased in a sleeve that centers itself in a hinge screw hole and does not allow the bit to wander. Self-centering bits are available in various sizes corresponding to common screws. Look for them at the hardware or home center.

- Stephen Corwin

-- Anonymous, May 07, 2001

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