Goddess Venus! What do you think of this?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Unk's Wild Wild West : One Thread


-- (nobody714@aol.con), May 06, 2001


things that go bump in the night

-- (dodododo@twilightzone.con), May 07, 2001.

This site is in Dedication To the Ancient Truths of Spiritual Sovereignty

The teachings have been Hidden In Hawaiian Myths and Chants They have NOT been forgotten or Lost

It is believed that the Hawaiian Islands are the HEART chakra of planet Earth. We are the "Keepers" of Aloha..we have been waiting for this time of Remembrance. We are all woven from the stars and are like fragments of one great Sacred Hologram who have become scattered around the world

Gaia is the Dreamvision of the Starseeds. Goddess began her creation millions of years ago and is still Creating..right before our Eyes! One only needs to visit the home of Pele to know and feel what primal source is all about. The Ancient ways teach that each of us carries a glimmer of the original hologram of our star borne knowing and wisdom. As we reconnect ourselves, to each other and to our inner divine wisdom, we reconnect to the Great Circle. As we reconnect to the Great Circle, we re-weave the Rainbow Bridge. Each of us heals and returns to the fullness of being. We begin to live spiritually sovereign and responsible lives. We can "hear" again with Sacred ears..and "see" with Wise eyes. We are connected and we are home. Blessed Be... The Children of the Rainbow IT TAKES COURAGE To journey and retrieve your multidimensional MeMUry It is time to CLAIM your Galactic Heritage It is Time to Awaken It is time to Know who you Are IT IS TIME

The Ancient Future is Now AND SO IT MUST BE

-- (nobody666@hologram.con), May 07, 2001.


-- (Just@keeping.score), May 07, 2001.

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