The truth About the Book "Only Planet of Choice" : LUSENET : Unk's Wild Wild West : One Thread |
Subject: [Armageddon-or-NewAge] The truth About the Book "Only Planet of Choice" by Bill RossFrom: "Bill Ross"
Date: Sat Jan 20, 2001 2:09 pm The truth About the Book "Only Planet of Choice" COUNCIL OF NINE in "Only Planet of Choice" -1993 is in "Keys Of Enoch" -1977
I was involved in a government sponsored occult project dealing with making direct conscious contact with the etheric realm as of which the UFO boys showed up under the guidance of trance channeling. I have not only read all of the new Age Bibles I had to live them order for this to materialize for the government.
It did become visible-hundreds of times- and it was filmed -hundreds of times-and I have sent some of the footage with all of the proof to prove every point I make in my writings about the project to a dozen people on the net- with the videos. Some will testify they have my films and others are so scared -after seeing them-they will not! Reality really sinks in and what I say becomes reality...not OPINION.
Now, this is the STRONG DELUSION , the Deception, the Great Lie in the Bible Prophecy. I repeat again. I was raised athiest then I had certain paranormal talents and thus went into the New Age - in the 70's-and eventually into the esoteric NASA-DOD- CSETI ( Contact Satanic-or SET- Intelligence)projects -Greer is associated with.
Now, wanted to prove the psychics wrong because I kept getting lead on and on and on and it almost took my sanity. The government psychics would make a statement like "They will let you film them ". The statement would only be partially correct.Most of the time when we approached the craft on the gound it would bounce off and up and away when we turned the cameras on. They said we would get a TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER of a new energy source and it never happened after hundreds of close contacts-with me and the team. What the New Ager Psychics were saying and what was happening was two totally different things.
After hundreds of hours of real UFO contact and other entity film footage I decided to make one FAKE SHOT. On my kitchen table I made a production in two hours that fooled NASA Jet Propulsion laboratories and the goverment paid psychics. It lasted about 5 minutes . It shed great doubt on the accuracy of NASA comet predictions -coming to earth-and it cast the psychics out to be soothsayers.
The psychics waited carefully 6 months before giving a statement as to their reading on what was happening in that film. JPL and professional film labs analyzed it and other critics put their two cents in. The film was considered possibly real. They even were going to put it on the front cover of their in-house NASA magazine. They thought we made history. Now that tells you where our government is really at on the UFO situation. MJ-12 , and the crash at Roswell are lies! Use your common sense a few years ago an Airforce pilot went nuts with a tank bomber A -10 . He crashed in the Rocky Mountains. It was on the news for a month..They had planes, helicopters and satellites looking for it. Now it took almost a month to find that plane. There have been Piper Cubs and Cesna small engine 2 men planes crash in Appalachia and it took them months to find it! But, miraculously every flying saucer that crashes the U.S. Government can find that thing in 5 minutes before the civilians that live nearby can take pictures or take parts for evidence. Only one got away from them and it was in New Mexico then another one once again in New Mexico.( Certain UFO's were restricted to N.M -get it? The military type at Los Alomos.) But, how great they are in retrieving alien bodies and UFO's from Canada to Brazil's jungles to across the Iron Curtain . My -my they certainly are fantastic -aren't they?
The psychics finally felt safe about giving a reading -"after" watching the video.
((( I HAVE THE AUDIO TAPES of their readings. Two different psychics that did not know each other from two different areas paid by federal grant-Sen Pell- to work with the project. They had done Remote Viewing to Astral Projection work for Uncle Sam before.)))))
They both said things similar but a little different but it went basicly like this.:
(1) The aliens are etheric....interdimensional spiritual-NOT physical. (2) They care about our environment....NATURE...Gaia. (3) They want peace and total disarmanent...both of Nukes and personal small firearms. (4) They will give us a technology transfer of a Tesla Type energy...that will make all fossil fuel industries obsolete overnight. (5) We must have a New World Religion and a New World Government-all others must be abandoned....and erased from memory.( The ET work closely with the U.N. and the esoteric Wizards of Masonry. A Twilight Zone show-I forget the name- has tall aliens dealing with the U.N. At the end of the show people are being taken into outerspace and eaten. When you see the re-run again note the U.N collaboration with the Extraterrestials , the term"Technology Transfer" being used and the tall aliens) Pleidians saluting each other with the Master Masonic hand sign. The hand is turned horizontal and cuts across the belt (waistline )very quickly. My, my again,,,what a coincidence?)
(6) I was supposedly abducted and the shots are close ups of outside the craft and inside the craft. (7) The aliens were holding the camera. That's right ..they did the filming as something was being done to me...According to the psychics.( Ah..hum..witches!) (8) The craft was 666 ft in diameter with 66 ETS aboard-a Mother Ship- at an average height of 10 Ft. called Pleidians.( In J.J.Hurtak's book-a New Age Bible-called "The Keys Of Enoch" on page 66 the "Council Of Nine" are first mentioned . They are mentioned in several others of the bbok like on pg.329 also. The "Keys Of enoch " also mentions the "Council of twelve" and the "Council Of Light"-ascended masters that are already telling the U.N. what to do-according to Hurtak.The book you mentioned "Planet Of Choice"written around 1993 and referred to by XXXXXX is OLD HAT concerning the "Council Of Nine". The "Keys Of Enough" was written in 1977. Hence, a clone and once again the psychics tranced- channeled nothing for the "Planet Of Choice" or the "Keys Of Enoch" but what demons told them-which are nothing but Satanic LIES!)
(They were tall Blondes and may I remind you the Team and psychics belonged to the Masons etc. and the Great White Brotherhood-New Age Nazi Fascism.)).
(9) They left some secret white rock down on the ground I was to find out in that valley where I was supposedly abducted. I was to go look for it and meditate at a spot.
I silently declined . That night two cows standing next to each other dropped dead at the same time and same location. The Vet was totally baffled. ( Black Science can call Black Ops to drop by and drop you with a variety of socalled non-lethal ELF weapons. Ask those coes if it is non-lethal.)
One end of the government was trying to kill me -over and over -and the other end of the government secretly deposted -via didgitally-a large sum of money into my bank account. I was being treated like royalty! I told the bank to take it back out and give it back to the gracious giver.( Lucky so, for a couple years later when the project ended and I quit on a sour note before hand the IRS tried to nail me. Then, when I investigated so-called nonprofit civilian organizations such as rockefellers Human Potential Movement the IRS was supposed to divulge who their contributors were-they refused it to me.)
Anyhow I prooved to the project managers NASA,the DOD, and everybidy else their paid psychics were nothing but liars. It was a direct attack on this New Religion of theirs and thus now I had both sides of the government after me. They have tried to frame me with federal charges, use old co-workers against me to set me up to be arrested for something etc, etc. I have hundreds of houres of airplanes and black helos just circling my house and dive bombing my house -at rifle rage altitude. Some were so low you could hit them with a pistol.
If the aliens gave a darn about us and they have this so-called high-technology they would have taken care of our famines, wars, and environmental problems a long time ago. They always set some rediculous standard the whole world has to go by before some cosmic miracle can materialize. This is a continual never ending con-game.
I remember saying as a joke to the team "This is like a new religion..let's call it the Church Of The UFO". The managers looked around to see if anybody was down the hall listening, closed the door and chewed me out "Never say that again!"
Isn't it odd that what the aliens want and tell the psychics is exactly what the U.N is telling the media to tell us in many different ways? I have all kinds of New Age books and Masonc books from the 70's when I used to go to the Edgar Cayce Foundation at Virginia Beach and "participate". These books have the same agenda and the same myths and the same fables-these guys started it all way back then. It is a Hokey-Pokey con- game by satanic Forces pushing luciferian worshipping men into the Great Strong Delusion. Actually according to Bible prophecy their is no stopping it for it will succeed. The masses -individually have a choice and the majority will go along with it. The ETERNAL consequences should be considered but those that are EVIL spiritually will not believe the Bible's version of it. As of which I was a NEW AGER and I testify that the Bible is correct and these New Age teachings are things taught by DEMONS.
There is several differences between me and the famous on circuit UFO experts.First off notice that Stanton freeman is cut out for the materialist athiests...he is there to convince them. Whtley Streiber is there to convince and please the New Ager. There are a couple dozen so-called "experts"they basicly ALL fall into these two categories. You will not here of one on the seminar circus circuit that is saying what I am saying. That would eliminate Art Bell, Jeff Rense, Night Search etc etc -it is put an end to the MYSTERY of Babylon.
None of the EXPERTS can prove they worked on such a project for the government...but I can! you see me on TV? Are they making a movie about me?
None of the EXPERTS made alien contact -close- nightly for two years under certain government guidelines , in constant contact with the government, and paid so by them. none of the experts can pove any of that. None of the EXPERTs can show you film footage with them in it with an UFO in it let along with government paid psychics and scientists in it with them and the UFOS-LIKE I CAN!!!
But, these EXPERTS are the ones the public listen to and believe.
I have had some of them tell me they are not getting rich off of this UFO thing and some said they only break even with their books. Why is it Streiber and Freeman have the others live in mansions -some have several homes?
When you are a public disinformation officer for the CIA-NSA and or the International Police(World CIA) and they are pushing for a One World Religion-based on Nature and UFO's then you are paid very very well! I advise taking a look at some of these sovcalled victims of mind control also they are using double reverse psychology to throw the true dirt bag poor investigators off track.
The public have been so-dumbed down by the TV set and mezmerized by book fiction and pumped up on prescription and illegal drugs they do not know what reality is any more. And the high tech Witch doctors are having a ball.
I think the Council of Nine like all other New Age writings is a crock of %$#@&*^ ...and that is my final word on it!
Thank You For Asking me to Comment On It...I like Raising CAIN! I mean cane.
Bill Ross
-- Spaceman Spiff (We'll@use.Plan.Nine), May 06, 2001
Hello~~~I am what many today would refer to as a New Ager...although I dont believe I fit the category well.It was long before this planets most recent major spiritual shift,that I prayed,connected with divine beings who have served and guided but,saw and was attacked by demons,have visited other realms beyond the "veil".I cannot turn it on or off as one psychic told me;;;i havent learned that yet. In my search for a religion that would fit my lifes experiences..I raised Catholic,studied with Reborns,J.W.'s,Wiccans,Mormons and read about others.I found no earthly org. could satisfy me in my spiritual connect with God.I simply see myself as a Child of God now ..for over ten years. Anyways;;;although I read alot;;its my own experiences that i trust not anothers written words..or elequently convincing conversation.I was recently led to Book of Knowledge Keys of was suggested to read Only Planet of Choice...I am very interested in your thoughts and experiences.I would like to know if there is anything else you ahve that I can read. Peace Always L.J.
-- Lorna Jacques (, September 15, 2001.