ATI : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread |
Does anyone have any experience with this product cause I can't seem to get any audio after recording a tv show or anything. I do get audio when watching it as it is originally showing on tv but not when I copy it. Can anyone give me some suggestions on how to resolve this problem.Thanks Jeff
-- Jeff Blake (, May 05, 2001
May be this it too basic but hope this helps.1.- Is the audio connected rigth?. There is two ways to connect audio in the ATI TV Wonder. One is from the output of the sounf card to the audio input of the capture card. ATI provides this cable. The second one is a "bridge" between the CD-Rom audio output to the capture card and from the this to the audio card. ATI provides information about both.
2.- Do you have the most recent drivers from ATI for your card?. I have an ATI All in Wonder Radeon, and the drivers that came in the installation CD sucked!!!. I have to wait nearly two months for the new drivers to came out. After that my problems were solved. My problem was that when I recorded anything the sound was "warbled" after 10 seconds of recording.
I kown that this suggestions sounds like "Is the cord plugged?" but sometimes we miss the basics until someone else tell us.
-- Luis Gomez (, May 07, 2001.
Try to check the audio recording properties during recording and see to it that it is set to line in.Regards, mar
-- (, May 07, 2001.
Do you have a Soundblaster card of some type? I had a somewhat similar problem when I was getting started in that I couldn't get any sound out of my ATI All-in-Wonder Radeon. Turns out that Soundblaster has 2 (yes, 2) settings that control audio. I only had one of them set to line in. When I set both of them to line in, I started getting sound. Also check to make sure that Windows has not muted your sound. Right click on the little speaker icon you hopefully have on your screen and check Properties. Windows sometimes mutes things that you don't want muted.
-- Jason Shumate (, May 07, 2001.
If you have the ATI directX8 drivers and the direct X8 player make sure you also install the DVD player (seperate download). I had the same problem but as soon as the dvd player became available and I reinstalled everything (ATI software)...voila I had sound again when I played recorded files (from TV tuner) using the player...hope this helps. Syl
-- Syl Lorange (, May 10, 2001.