Response to survey re JoCo Budget on JCCC website : LUSENET : JoCoCC : One Thread

A survey question on the JCCC website asks:

"Josephine County Budget (Posted 4/6/2001) Members of the Josephine County Budget Committee have asked the Josephine County Citizens Council to obtain input from the public so that the Budget Committee can allocate the limited tax dollars in accordance with the citizens' values.

You can help us by completing this survey. "

I don't know enough about budgetting to give a very educated evaluation of most County departments. I do, however, have an opinion on the Public Works Department.

In my experience, and from my personal observations, I believe that the Public Works Department should take a hard look at improving it's efficiency, and also consider NOT doing some of the projects I see it doing in the county. The money saved could then be reallocated to whatever other departments can use it more effectively.

Malcolm Drake

-- jumpoff joe (, May 05, 2001

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