POL US bid to lift ban on foreign assassinations

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US bid to lift ban on foreign assassinations

NEW YORK - A Bill that will allow the US President to order assassinations of his foreign enemies has sparked fear and concern around the globe.
The proposed Terrorist Elimination Act of 2001 document was moved by Republican Congressman Bob Barr on the first day of the 107th Congress on Jan 3 and submitted to the House International Relations Committee

The Age newspaper of Australia believes the Bill is an outcome of a strong sentiment now running through American foreign policy that it is time to stop mollycoddling dictators with sanctions and engaging in endless consultations with ungrateful allies.


-- Anonymous, May 04, 2001


I think this is totally idiotic. I used to respect Bob Barr. It wouldn't be long before turn about is fair play. Then what ?

-- Anonymous, May 05, 2001

We don't have a Delbert R. Barbee who's a member.

Please, y'all, don't use a handle other than the one we know you by. It makes us pop-eyed paranoid and you don't want to encourage that, believe me.

-- Anonymous, May 05, 2001

Delbert is okay, just didn't use the handle we thought he was going to use so we couldn't find him on the list.

-- Anonymous, May 05, 2001

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