Carlos (riffraff) visits Durham : LUSENET : Unk's Wild Wild West : One Thread

I could tell Sweetie and The Hungarian liked Carlos immensely: Sweetie actually had (for him) long conversations; the Hungarian didn't insult Carlos or, even worse, go red and clam up with a furious look on her face.

Last night, Carlos took us out for a great dinner at a place called George's Garage, where the scummiest of yuppie scum hang out. It's one of those places with exposed ductwork and kitchen activity, lots of noise, smartly-dressed wait staff with an attitude ("I'm just between parts") and fusion cuisine (salsa with feta chunks over pan-seared shrimp). I was able to point out a waiter with a "mullet" hairdo to The Hungarian, who is culturally deprived.

Speaking of culturally deprived, over dinner Carlos had to explain to The Hungarian the plot of "Survivor." Hell, last year I had to explain to her who Stephen King was. By way of explanation, she remarked that if it wasn't on PBS, she didn't know about it. And you think I'm an elitist snob???

After dinner, we showed Carlos around downtown Durham, explaining as we went the intricacies of the one-way system where visitors invariably get lost. "Even locals get lost," we said. And promptly proved it by being unable to get to City Hall with its requisite pyramid of cannonballs and head-bowed statue of Confederate soldier.

This morning I asked The Hungarian to drive us by one of her feral cat-feeding stations, behind a supermarket. I had a special reason for doing so: last night, someone was shot in the face right at the spot The Hungarian enters the woods to feed and water the kitties. I waited until we got there and sternly related the details, admonishing her not to go there at night any more. She said she doesn't anyway but I don't believe her--she has this attitude that nobody would dare accost her. She may be right, you know; I certainly wouldn't.

After we had bored Carlos to tears with the pseudo-Gothic wonders of Duke U, we took him to "Books Do Furnish A Room," which is an eccentric place of sloping and creaking wooden floors, with a proprietor who favors floppy cravats and velvet smoking jackets (of apparent 19th c. vintage) and likes to have sales on July 4th and other family holidays. (There is a sign on an unused door outside which announces, "This is a door but is not a point of entry.") I wanted to find Clyde Edgerton's Ramey or Walking Across Egypt for Carlos but had no luck. I'll keep looking and will send him a copy to add to his memory of grits, another must-have Southern experience.

The highlight of the tour was MacDonald's Drugstore. Mr. and Mrs. MacDonald, now well into their seventies, still run the place with gen-you-wine Southern courtesy and charm, and welcomed the California pharmacist as if he were visiting Royalty. We oohed over the signed photograph from President Bush (the Elder) and the pharmacy degree from UNC (1931)--but most of all, we aahed over the soda fountain. Yep, they have one o' them there stainless steel thingies, just like the old Norman Rockwell paintings. MacDonald's is famous for its egg creams and perfect cherry Cokes. We bought a MacDonald's T-Shirt for Carlos, personally chosen, exhibited and carefully refolded in the exact creases by Mrs. MacDonald, all the while pointing out the good quality of the Hanes cotton.

It was a good visit and we hope Carlos comes to see us and our trees again. (He loves all the trees.) He should be in Charleston by now and back posting early next week.

-- Old Git (anon@spamproblems.ugh), May 03, 2001


yeeeha, kiss mah mullet

-- (BillyRay@achu.breaky), May 03, 2001.

It's hard when you don't have the censor button isn't it.

-- troll (t@r.oll), May 03, 2001.

Hi OG!!

-- helen (OG@unk.s), May 03, 2001.

"degree from UNC"

OH, that's what this place is all about!

When do we get our degrees UNC, err, caugh, ahhhm..., Unk?

-- (freshman@unc.s), May 03, 2001.


You spin a great story,I have a mental picture of Charleston that is cool in my mind.

Glad to see Carlos enjoyed himself,I hope to get an ear-full too.

Sounds like a good place.

-- capnfun (, May 04, 2001.


Thanks for sharing your experiences! So glad you all got a chance to meet and greet, again. I am sure Carlos was entranced with the old time drug store. I know how special that can be. My grandfather had the first drugstore in this ole town, after he ran the buckboard between LA and the desert southwest for many years, as a pharmacutical salesman. In those day, folks thot they were docs. Medicine has come such a long way in some respects, and not far in others. Everyone still looks for the magic elixer to fix whatever ailment they have at the moment. I totally loved your description of the old time fountain! How many of us here, have the priveledge of visiting such a special place? Shades of Mary and George Bailey. Thanks again OG, come around more often, won't you?

-- Aunt Bee (, May 04, 2001.

Sounds like fun Oggie! Hope you are well.

Anyone who want's a degree from UNC can simply send their credit card info the the following address....

-- Uncle Deedah (, May 04, 2001.

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