Finally got to see the movie "Contact" : LUSENET : Unk's Wild Wild West : One Thread

Some of you may remember my response within Iona's thread where the movie "Contact" is mentioned.

In my post I wrote about a dream I recorded in my personal journal Mar. 3, 2000. In the journal entry I said I received some sort of suggestion that I see the film Contact. I had forgotten all about this until I read Iona's thread Monday this week.

Well I finally located the video I bought a year ago, but had buried in unpacked moving cartons. Tuesday night I saw Contact for the first time. I am now wondering why a dream conveyed information to me to see it. While I enjoyed the film, I did not come away with a feeling or thought that said " Ah! Now I know why I had to see this film!" Nope. That didn't happen. What did happen is that I have this wait and see attitude. I'm not writing off the experience, but I am not embracing it either. If "someone" (who?) wants me to know something I need to know that comes from seeing "Contact," then (he/she) will need to speak a little louder.

Sorry to disappoint some that possibly were expecting me to have an "eye opening" experience. To tell you the truth, I am a little disappointed, and left wondering why and how information is given through a dream.

-- AZ (, May 03, 2001


I watched it last night, too. I'm not really sure how Iona came to the conclusion she did; I have some questions about the issue of the messages from Vega.

Like, did they really come from Vega, or was Hadden able to project them there and back? I didn't see what I would call "Illuminati" or Masonic symbolism, unless you count the overall "projection" of illusion at the herd.

-- KoFE (your@town.USSA), May 03, 2001.

Do not question.

-- (Crand_Procurator@sacrificial.altar), May 03, 2001.

I saw it a year or two ago...I remember that Jodie Foster was in it, and they built some kinda giant device that she got dropped through in somesort of pod thing, she met her dad....other than that it was a rather forgetable film.

-- Uncle Deedah (, May 03, 2001.


Betcha if you had seen the movie right after the dream, then you would have had the epiphany...

-- (u@need.Contact), May 03, 2001.


Betcha if you had seen the movie right after the dream, then you would have had the epiphany.

You waited too long...

-- (u@need.Contact), May 03, 2001.

Check out the book "Contact" - the movie occult references are more subtle than the book by far--- the book having almost constant blatant occult references/

Just a few quick random notes about the book Contact:

One of the characters in the book is "arkhangelsky".

p.224 "After dark, Babylon was called an adult amusement park. It was of an opulence, scale, and imaginativeness that dwarfed, say, the Reeperbahn in Hamburg. It was by far the largest tourist attraction in the New York metropolitan area, with by far the largest gross revenues. How Hadden (the Carl Sagan character) had been able to convince the city fathers of Babylon, New York, and how he had lobbied for an "easement" of local and state prostiution laws was well know. It was now a half-hour train ride from midtown Manhattan to the Ishtar Gate. Ellie (the scientist main character)insisted on taking this train.......

p224 They left the Ishtaria Way and entered the Ziggauat through a side street. In the private elevator, her escort pressed the button for the topmost floor: "Forty," it read. No numerals. Just the word. And then to leave no room for doubt, a glass panel flashed, "The Gods."

p.266-267 Ellie, Drumlin, and Valerian arrived for a routine and long-scheduled meeting on he now wholly redundant worldwide monitoring of the signal from Vega. When they arrived, they found everyone talking about the burning of Babylon. It had happened in the early hours of the morning, perhaps at a time then the place was prowled only by its most iniquitous and unregenerate habitues. A raiding party, equipped with mortars and incendiaries, had struck simultaneiously through the Enlil and Ishtar gates.....

The movie is subtle, the book is not at all subtle.

-- Wizard (GrandDaddy@guessag.ain), May 03, 2001.


What is the history and origin of the famed "Statue of Liberty"? Is it so innocent as millions assume? There is much more to this story than most believe. It is time we pulled aside the cloak, and took a good look at the real facts, and what they mean for us, today. You might be shocked to know the deception that has been pulled over the eyes of the American people!

William F. Dankenbring

It is very interesting that the great symbol that is situated in the harbor of New York City, the Statue of Liberty, is a woman carrying a torch. As we saw in a previous issue of Prophecy Flash, New York City itself represents the city of "modern Babylon the great." Just like its predecessor of olden days, modern New York is the finanical hub and capital of the world. It is the center of American and multi-national finance, marketing, and the location of the headquarters of the United Nations.

Looking at the prophecies of the end-time Babylon in the book of Revelation, we find that it is associated with a "woman." In fact, she is called a "woman," and the prophet Isaiah speaks of her as "the daughter of Babylon." In Revelation we read:

". . . I saw a woman sit upon a scarlet colored beast, full of names of blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns. . . And upon her forehead was a name written, MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH" (Rev.17:3-5).

-- thirtythreedegrees (GrandWizard@guessag.ain), May 03, 2001.

Boring flick *yawn*

-- (cin@cin.cin), May 03, 2001.

To explain the above better for the uninitiated -

Carl Sagan, in his book Contact, put a "fictional" Babylon "amusement park" in New York metro city. The Freemasons built the Statue of Liberty with all its symbolism linking New York City symbolically via the statue to Babylon. The Statue of Liberty is a symbol of an ancient pagan goddess who would otherwise be known as "the whore of Babylon". Sagan even makes an only slightly veiled description of the destruction of Babylon via the destruction of the "Babylon" amusement park.

These are all occult references, and not really hidden at all, for anyone with much background in the occult.

-- 33degrees (WizardInitiated@occult.dark), May 03, 2001.


Did I wait too long to see the movie (after I had the dream), and thus miss the epiphany? Perhaps, but maybe not. There may be more to come, and lessons to learn do keep coming and coming, at least IMO.

It could be that the lesson I needed to receive at this time is the same message Ellie received, namely, just one step at a time. And at this stage of my spiritual journey, that is all I needed to receive in the first viewing of Contact. I don't feel I did wrong to wait so long (one year). I find it remarkable that I visited Unk's Wild West Forum in the first place. I am (was?) an infrequent visitor, and a very quick lurker, reading only a few threads at the most. Monday, when I read Iona's thread, it was an afterthought to open UWW. And it was the word "halogram" in Iona's post title that made me open hers. And the reaction when I read the reference to the film "Contact" was immediate and spontaneous, kindling a memory from one year ago. No, I don't think I was too late. I just need to be quiet and listen. Somehow I feel that more is coming.


-- AZ (, May 03, 2001.

Excellent flick, one of my all-time favorites.

-- (cin is @ dim. wit), May 04, 2001.


This could all be Mumbo Jumbo BULLSHIT, your life is in front of you,quit looking at the sideshow's.

-- capnfun (, May 04, 2001.

To tell you the truth, I am a little disappointed, and left wondering why and how information is given through a dream.

Let it percolate awhile. These things don't always unfold all at once. As time goes by and other events fit within the synchronicities, you'll figure it all out in retrospect. This is only one small piece of a larger picture that you can't see fully because it's still in the process of unfolding.

-- 1 (, May 04, 2001.


Thank you.


-- AZ (, May 04, 2001.

Marketing. Find out what people are interested in watching. Find out who people like to watch. Put the who into the what and sell it. Movies are just another way for some people to make a living.

-- helen (dictionary@han.d), May 04, 2001.

Carl Sagan should have stuck to science.

At any rate, in a roundabout way this is all about the "end-times." What a strange mixture of Christian concepts, science, and science fiction.

-- Buddy (, May 04, 2001.

I will now return you to your set.

-- (At @ the Twilight. Zone), May 04, 2001.

I did not know all that stuff was in the book "Contact" by Carl Sagan.

According to Sitchin, Enlil was the head of the Anunnaki.

According to Goddess Venus, Enlil later called himself Jehovah, amongst many other names over the ages, such as Baal, Beltane, etc etc. Jehavah aka Baal/Beltane etc etc was a fifth dimensional (low in the overall scheme of things) darkside "god". The Anunnaki most recently called themselves the Illuminati, of which Carl Sagan was a member. Sagan's references are not to christianity per se, but of the history of his "tribe" of fifth dimensional darkside deities, ie the Crown Prince of Darkness (Jehovah) and all his attendant "demons", including Carl Sagan. The Anunnaki, aka Illuminati, aka "fallen angels", wrote the bible, and their ultimate plan to enslave the earth and us was to stage a second coming of an Illuminati "jesus" who would have been a "divine dictator" of earth. So I am pretty sure that Sagan's references to the endtimes were neither casual nor uninformed and amateur.

The Great Deception of the Endtimes is christianity and the true origin of the bible---my view as well as information about it.

PS - May 5th, or 5/5 is the true date of ancient Beltane (Baal) Day (now celebrated as May Day on 5/1). Tremendous astrological significance to 5/5/01.

-- Iona (, May 04, 2001.


Too funny.

Iona now says that God is the Devil, that the Bible was written by the Devil, and that Carl Sagan is one of the Devil's demons.

Hahahahahahehehehehohohohahahahaha! Too damn funny.

BTW, my comment above about the "end-times" was not referring to the book or movie Contact, nor to Carl Sagan, but to this ridiculous bantering about the Illuminati and "Goddess Venus."

Again, LOL, this one takes the cake!

-- Buddy (, May 04, 2001.


There really is a great deal of logic to this, although I don't expect you to see it as yet. I am not making any of this up. It comes from my firsthand experience and study. I realize if you have no firsthand experience to what I refer, that you might choose to dismiss what I am saying without any pause for consideration. I have never disagreed with your or anyone's right to do that, as long as it doesn't involve derogatory comments to me.

However, just because you have no firsthand experience or frame of reference for something doesn't mean that what I am saying is not true. It merely merely means that you do not accept or believe what I am saying. Not being believed and being wrong are not the same thing.

I am honestly not here to convince anyone of anything at this time. I am only trying to provide a possible frame of reference for the future.

Again, just because many people do not believe a certain thing really has no bearing on what the truth is. The truth is not determined by a debate, a contest of insults, or who is the most popular.

-- Iona (, May 04, 2001.

You know what Iona. I don't give a shit. You're either nuts or you're posting major bullshit just to see what it will stir up. Don't stop now!

-- Buddy (, May 04, 2001.

I thought 'Contact' was entertaining enough. Pretty cool story line. I may even watch it again one day.

On the other hand - Iona, have you ever been the subject of a case study?? I think you would make an absolutely fascinating project.


-- Deano (, May 04, 2001.

Buddy, neither of your conclusions is correct.

Why can't you just say that you don't agree and leave it at that? Why do you feel a need to become derogatory about it when a derogatory response is not called for.

I could say to you the same thing. Does the possibility of this make you feel like you will go "nuts", or are you just trying to stir up trouble by getting abusive, or a little of both?

-- Iona (, May 04, 2001.


How can I say I just don't agree with something that is so off the wall there is no way to agree or disagree. The only thing I can do at this point is laugh.

Carry on Iona.

-- Buddy (, May 04, 2001.

Just for giggles, I checked out

Gee, Iona, you wouldn't be selling something would you?

-- Buddy (, May 04, 2001.

Iona: "...their ultimate plan to enslave the earth and us was to stage a second coming of an Illuminati "jesus" who would have been a "divine dictator" of earth."

Since you are so well-informed about their plans, perhaps you can explain why, if achieving the dictatorship of Earth was so valuable to them as to lay such elaborate plans to achieve it, they have not accomplished it already in the course of 2000 years? What on earth stood in their way in the past that doesn't now? What is taking them so long?

-- Little Nipper (, May 04, 2001.

Again, just because many people do not believe a certain thing really has no bearing on what the truth is. The truth is not determined by a debate, a contest of insults, or who is the most popular.

-- Iona (, May 04, 2001.

That is EXACTLY what I used to say on the origional TB2000 about Y2K. People would point out how many websites said it would be bad, they would quote so called experts etc. I would maintain physics would not be influenced by these things, fact are facts. I like you way of thinking Iona, although I don't understand portions of what you are involved in.

Anyone have any thoughts on precognition? How about ESP where it involves parents and children?

-- Cherri (, May 04, 2001.


Read this:


-- Buddy (, May 04, 2001.

or this:

-- Buddy (, May 04, 2001.

and this: i.html

-- Buddy (, May 04, 2001.

I wonder if Sagan's family have a basis for a law suit?

-- helen (not@sagan.too), May 04, 2001.

Little Nipper, The Illuminati, aka "fallen angels", etc, were here for a purpose. They seemed to have considerable awareness of this issue. The solar system/earth is like a soul school that seems to follow very prescribed time lines that coincide with the precessional cycle of earth (about a 26,000 year cycle). I am told that the Illuminati aka Anunnaki ruled earth for about 500,000 years, so they had been here through many cycles of "soul harvests", or "Endtimes" (and start of new ages). Who knows what they were doing for the several hundred thousand years prior to the creation of humans, besides mining gold. According to Sitchin, they were mining gold at first - I do believe this is likely.

I don't really understand the rules of creation pertaining to the time lines of changes to new ages, but clearly the Illuminati did. They apparently believed that they would benefit by following the time lines for a soul "harvest" as we are now in, or else they were under some kind of higher dimensional constraints to follow the given timelines. Even though they were the darkside, or "devil and demons" they appeared to have rules or procedures in all this that they had to or chose to follow.

These are obviously huge unanswered questions. I do believe with some certainty that the Illuminati did not know their time to rule earth was ending at this juncture - Goddess Venus has said, and I believe it true, that the Illuminati spirit Beings are gone as of last Sept 30, 2000 (Jewish Rosh Hashana). Everything I have come across suggests that the Illuminati fully believed they would be here to pull off their NWO and divine enslavement plans. They did not know their time on earth would be up now. Their spirits were essentially raptured from earth last fall. Goddess Venus has said that the higher Divine continue to operate the former Illuminati human "container bodies" for purposes of completing karma lessons for the rest of us remaining mortal humans.

-- Iona (, May 04, 2001.

Iona, I thank you for your effort. I read your answer very carefully three times. After parsing it, it seems your answer to my original question (although padded with a lot of extraneous, volunteered information) amounts to this: 'I don't know why, that's just how it is.'

OK. That's fair. You seemed to have a lot to say about the motives of these Illuminati and the conditions they work under. It seems very odd to me that the Illuminati know they operate under much higher divine rules, and that these rules appear to be designed to thwart them, and yet, powerful and knowledgable as they are, the Illuminati couldn't predict that they would be raptured away before culminating their dark plans.

I mean, I'm just a pathetic fourth dimensinal being and I could fihure that out from the tiny bit of information you passed on to me. If the higher god or gods or goddesses don't cotton to a lesser beings plans, they get deep-sixed. Seems simple enough to me. Why didn't the Illuminati figure this out?

-- Little Nipper (, May 04, 2001.

What Goddess Venus said is that the Illuminati "had been here a very long time"- ie they were used to things going their way.

Additionally, this is the time of the "Grand Delusion" and deceit. Humans have essentially been deluded on a large scale about the nature of our world. It would make some sense that the Illuminati were also deceived by the higher Divine. Goddess Venus actually said that they were needed to continue playing their roles until the very end of their designated time and their departure. If they believed they would be gone, they would have only done so half-heartedly at best. As far as their continuing to work on the accomplishment of one world government, international electronic currency etc - they did make big progress on all these enslavement goals in the last few years. Of course Clinton was a very special, high ranking Illuminati - Goddess Venus said in ancient times he was known as "Azazel" who is mentioned in the bible.

Besides advancing civilization with their higher dimensional knowledge, Goddess Venus has also said that another of their reasons for being here was to provide adequate moral hazard/tempatation for human souls for learning purposes. There is more information I have been given that helps it all make more sense, but you aren't interested in extra information apparently, so forgive me for not trying to include those additional unasked for pieces that might start to make what I have been told sound more logical.

-- Iona (, May 05, 2001.


Some (Buddy, Little Nipper, others) may not want to hear the other things you have to share, but I for one would appreciate reading more.

Consider us when you are deciding whether to share or not to share, instead of the negative, skeptics among us.


-- AZ (, May 05, 2001.

Iona: "It would make some sense that the Illuminati were also deceived by the higher Divine."

There is always the chance that you are perfectly correct. But as I read your descriptions of the "divine" I can't help but find myself thinking what a shallow, useless puppet play you are describing and how the only discernably "divine" attribute I can find among your gods, goddesses and lesser beings is the degree of power they wield over the others. Even if they have hidden motives that are essentially benign, they accomplish them by herding about us like so many cattle.

If we are so inherently limited that we cannot possibly understand the levels above us, then those same limits would prevent us from ever learning enough to progress, any more than a sheep could ever learn enough life lessons to become a human. In which case, all the shuffling and herding has no larger moral purpose.

If we are capable of such understanding and may progress, then the universe, as you present it, seems queerly intractable to the divine. They seem to mold it through massively energy and time consuming indirection, as if they could not possibly take it in their hands and shape it directly.

If the point is that we are to progress on our own, then they seem to be far too meddlesome to let us grow and learn for ourselves. As a grand design, this seems overly baroque and curlicued. Whoever designed it is having a big laugh at our expense.

-- Little Nipper (, May 05, 2001.


I am never sure how much to go on about stuff. It is all really very painful to me even still, and I have been dealing with it for 18 months or so now, at least. But I will finish up with a sort of brief explanation of one more thing, because all my info just in the last few days is that we are really to the time now for the destruction of Babylon to begin, in earnst - late today or tomorrow perhaps even. GV has given me some idea it may involve military activity (to arrest the NWO), but I don't really know, as GV is always full of surprises. But I have been getting a clearer and clearer picture of timing now.

Anyway, this last part is very painful to think about. I accept it, but I do not really appreciate it. GV says that all of this we go through really has to do with creating sufficient diversity in creation at the higher dimensions to make existence worthwhile and enjoyable.

As spirits and then souls, we are innately born into the "darkside" or "lightside". These innate differences and then differing experiences result in all Beings being different and interesting. This is really what polarities are about. Light and dark souls at the lower dimensions become interesting opposites in personality at higher dimensions. And of course there is the ever present polarity between male and female. It is a major piece of disinformation that the higher Divine are generderless and sexless.

I can see these distinctions even in the pet cats I have had over the years. I now have a cat that is most definitely a young lightside spirit. And even though he is a neutered male cat, he is still very different in typically male ways from my previous female cats. Goddess Venus says the main difference between lightside and darkside spirits and then complete souls is in various kinds of innate pain tolerance. For example, lightside souls have a high degree of emotional pain tolerance, and darkside souls have a high degree of physical pain tolerance. This is a very crude explanation, but the basic concept involved.

At the lower dimensions, light and darkside souls follow different paths of growth and ascension, and are involved in what is called the "light-dark polarity game". At several dimensions above us, all darkside souls must convert to the lightside to progress further. By that time, the darkside souls are very sophisticated, and the conversion really is a short process. Some of these later final steps of older souls (both light and darkside) involve reincarnation back to this dimension. GV has said that there are actually many very old souls on earth right now, both light and darkside, in mortal human incarnations. Comparatively speaking, the darkside Illuminati fifth dimensional Beings are/were really fairly young souls compared to many in mortal human incarnation now.

It really is painful to think we go through so much of this pain just to be different and interesting to each other. But it does make quite a bit of sense, to me at least.

Anyway, best wishes. I got myself a copy of the book Contact now to read, and I still think I will try to write a paper about all the coded messages in it---perhaps while I am waiting around during this coming time when probably there won't be much to do but stay indoors and wait for bad things to pass.

-- Iona (, May 05, 2001.


I have two questions if I may.

1."because all my info just in the last few days is that we are really to the time now for the destruction of Babylon to begin, in earnst - late today or tomorrow perhaps even."

The main part of the question is,'what should be looking for that this is indeed starting and is Babylon the world or America?

2."lightside souls have a high degree of emotional pain tolerance, and darkside souls have a high degree of physical pain tolerance"

Personally,I am both of these,does this mean I am a hybrid of some sort or would it mean that I am further up the rung in enlightenment?

-- capnfun (, May 05, 2001.

Hi Capnfun

GV has always said that Babylon is primarily the international fiat financial/banking system which is going to collapse. while there is no literal geographical place that is the modern Babylon, GV has said the closest would be Israel. This has to do with a number of powerful illuminati bloodlines being of Jewish ancestory. However, this has nothing whatsoever to do with most regular Jewish people (even mortal human beings who are in Jewish Illuminati bloodlines) who will be just as horrified by all this as most christians and everyone else. (Not all Illuminati bloodlines are Jewish, by any means. For example, the Chinese Li's from whom all the rulers of china have come are a major Illuminati bloodline.) However, GV has for a long time said that Israel will be disbanded as a separate Jewish nation and the land returned to the original respective Arab nations. The Jewish settlers/residents now there who wish to remain there peaceably will be able to do so, and peace will be restored to the region.

Of course, there is that "whore of babylon" statue in the harbor just off Wallstreet in NYC. So perhaps that is the true closet physical location for a metphorical Babylon - Wallstreet. My thought though is that places like the BIS- Bank of International Settlements (in Basel, Switzerland) would be as bad or worse than Wallstreet, as well as the IMF - International Monetary Fund - but I can't remember where that is located.

Also, GV has for a long time said there are human members of the NWO involved in very illegal, unconstitutional activities- such as the chemtrails- who are going to be arrested. I believe there are a number of fairly high ranking members in the US military (at least certain sections) to whom this would apply. But I really have no idea what to expect, other than it could be very dramatic (though not necessarily so).

Capnfun - As far as how old you are - GV says to tell you you are very old. :-)))

-- iona (, May 05, 2001.


I would like to ask you a favor. If the "destruction of Babylon" begins some time very soon, as you indicate it will, and if the metaphorical starting gun is muted enough that not all of us would be aware the race has started, would you please start a new thread, clearly titled, that identifies the crucial event? I would appreciate that very much.

Apocalyptic seers are many. Those who are willing to cite time, place and details are few. The more details you give, the more I will admire your courage and consistancy and the more easily all of us can evaluate the value of your information.

If some event in the next few days is sufficiently dramatic that even I can clearly see within it the seeds of the destruction of the world's financial system, then I promise I will personally start a thread thanking you for being willing to lay yourself open to criticism and ridicule in order to share your information, such as it is, with the rest of us.

Now we are getting down to brass tacks, so to speak.

-- Little Nipper (, May 05, 2001.


You're kooky as hell, but you're welcome to post as much goofy stuff as you wish here.


-- Uncle Deedah (, May 05, 2001.

Goddess Venus has said, and I believe it true, that the Illuminati spirit Beings are gone as of last Sept 30, 2000 (Jewish Rosh Hashana).

So who's running the show?

BTW - I'm at a crossroads in my life where decisions about my next move need to be made. Yet, in the back of my brain, something tells me "Doesn't make any difference what you decide because something ELSE is going to happen to change the whole dynamic." So I, too, have a sense that ch-ch-changes are in the air.

Despite your detractors, I commend your commitment to your message and hope you continue sharing.

-- 1 (, May 05, 2001.


I dig that tune too: )


This may sound kinda wacked,but does GV have any info about how the house project has progressed or about its inhabitant?

-- capnfun (, May 05, 2001.

Whadda you think?

Microdot or blotter?

-- Jack Booted Thug (, May 05, 2001.

what house project? Did I miss something here?

-- 1 (, May 05, 2001.

capn, high tolerance for both emotional and physical pain means you are a masochist. I don't know how I know, but I know this is true. Don't ask any questions. Just believe me.

-- helen (trust@me.darling), May 05, 2001.


-- Old (, May 06, 2001.


I'm also interested in any and all of your stuff. Although I believe that there is usually a lot of disinformation in much of the stuff posted on the internet, at least some of the truth is often also included. Those of us who are good sifters and correlaters don't reject any information outright, no matter how far out the average person deems it to be. Please keep posting whatever you are moved to share.

-- Sleuth (always@searchin.for.the.truth), May 06, 2001.

Old Tripper,

How could I forget windowpane. Must have been some truth to the allegations of long term brain damage!

-- Jack Booted Thug (, May 06, 2001.

And howwabout Purple Barrels? heh-heh

-- Old (, May 06, 2001.

Single and double barrel purple would fall under the microdot classification. At least that's what a little birdie told me...several dozen times. Ever crush 'em and snort 'em? Much, much quicker onset. Kind of a metallic 'taste' at the back of the throat. So sayeth the birdie.

-- Rich (, May 06, 2001.

FWIW, Contact is one of my all-time favorite movies for reasons too numerous to mention. An awesome experience every time I see it.

AZ, expectation can often inhibit us and block our subtle senses from functioning "properly". This is not to say this is what I think happened to you. I have no clue.

If there's a message which could have been communicated via watching the movie, the window of opportunity may have closed pretty rapidly. Or you may have learned the lesson through other means. I've found those lessons which go unlearned come around again and again until I get them right.

Don't sweat it, AZ. Life is chock full of messages and opportunities to learn. But you know this already. :)

-- Rich (, May 06, 2001.

The 'Supernatural Shake'

In a blender add:

(6) Squares of Mr. Natural (You remember that cute little guy)

(8) Grams of shrooms

(4) Drops of hash oil

(1) Quart of chocolate milk

(1) Pint of Vanilla Ice Cream

Drink up and prepare for the Lizard People

-- Oh (the@pretty.colors), May 06, 2001.

Maybe this would explain this Icke guy and his lizard theory.

-- Jack Booted Thug (, May 06, 2001.

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