Survivor II final : LUSENET : Xeney : One Thread |
Ok folks, tonight is the big night. Who do you think will win the million? I was leaning towards Tina for a while but I reevaluated it this morning and decided I think Colby is going to win. I have been dilligently avoiding "spoiler" sites and those that analyze info outside the show itself, so this is completely based on my impressions from the episodes.So who do yinz think is gonna win and why (the "why" is kinda long and can be found on my website if you care)? Please remember that us west coast folks are three hours behind the east coast, so don't post spoilers here until after 10pm PST.
-- Anonymous, May 03, 2001
Ok, so Tina won. Does anyone even care?Last season was so exciting with everyone hating Richard and the showdown between he and Susan and the competition between Rich and Kelly and stuff. This season seems so much less dramatic.
-- Anonymous, May 04, 2001
There were a few things i really liked. I enjoyed the fact that i honestly didn't care which person won because i really liked both of them, so i wasn't going to be disappointed either way.I did choose Colby, but what touched me was that he really truly seemed happy for Tina and that she won. There was no pause where you could see him thinking "Dammit!" or any regret at all. I loved the way he jumped up and whooped and hollered and then picked her up to hug her. He was *honestly* happy.
I truly think that Colby is just a genuinely good and nice person. So he didn't win. But he got a new car in the reward challenge and $100,000 isn't exactly losing anyway.
It wasn't as exciting as last year, but it was an interesting flip- side. Last Survivor it was 2 heavy duty connivors (sp?) who made it to the end. This time it was 2 of the nice guys. In fact, a lot of the nice guys made it down to the last rounds, like Elisabeth and Rodger. I don't think it made it less appealing, just different.
-- Anonymous, May 04, 2001
I wasn't disappointed with the outcome, and I think the actual process worked just as fine and could have been just as entertaining as last year (although far less nerve-wracking).But goddamn, that was a long three hours. The fake tribal council set was even cheesier than the real thing. The lock box and having everyone in the same clothes was lame and cheesy. Ugh. It definitely worked better having the final four all in one two-hour show. Two much stretched-out sappiness for me last night.
And am I shallow if I tell you that I'd like to have Colby's babies? I just can't resist a smooth-talking cowboy, Oedipus Tex issues aside.
-- Anonymous, May 04, 2001
"Oedipus Tex"... I love it. Please tell me you came up with that.I agree that last night was too long and drawn out. But seriously, if Jerri was one of the final three and they had the same format, do you think any of us would be complaining?
I remember over the summer swearing and throwing things around my apartment after Richard won. This time I didn't care.
-- Anonymous, May 04, 2001
Forgot to mention that I had my own Survivor II finale party, with Bud Light and Doritos.Man, Bud Light really does suck, dunnit?
-- Anonymous, May 04, 2001
I swiped "Oedipus Tex" from the Survivor Sucks board. I don't know who came up with it, but it's the best nickname ever.
-- Anonymous, May 04, 2001
Some elements of the first show really can't be recaptured -- sort of like a novel where you know just a little more than the characters about what's going to happen -- and you proceed to watch the actors proceed clueless to their doom, or began to struggle, and learn about alliance forming or other strategies.That said, I can't remember anything on TV since I was a little kid where I actually get a little thrill out of the seeing the opening theme each week. I'm gonna miss that hook in the visuals when the crocodiles mouth closes.
Oh well, till next year.
-- Anonymous, May 04, 2001
Rumor has it that they are re-showing the first season over the summer. Does anyone know if this is true?
-- Anonymous, May 04, 2001
Does anyone see a problem with the potential for one tribe dominating the other depending on uneven merge numbers?I complained about this before, and they managed to weasel out of such a scenario again for the most part. But with uneven tribes on the merge, it still seems "too" predictable as to which members are to be voted off.
I wish they would add something to fix that -- and might I suggest something like "secret immunity". They would spend a big wheel after the opening of the program and only the TV viewers would know which member received secret immunity. All votes directed at the member at tribal counsel would be null. So potentially, the stronger tribe would never know for sure whether someone on the weaker tribe they had ganged up to vote on had the secret immunity, and it could thwart the outcome of the tribal counsel every once in awhile due to random probability. Of course, there could still be non-secret immunity as well.
Anyway, just a suggestion.
-- Anonymous, May 04, 2001
Oh yeah, I just thought of a kicker to add to that scenario.If indeed, a majority of votes went towards someone with "secret immunity", the result would be all the people that voted for that person would now have to vote against each other. Instead, the alliance, or the tribe has to suddenly turn upon itself.
-- Anonymous, May 04, 2001
Oops, I can't finish my post without adding something.Imagine this...
The day Jerri's remaining tribe double-crossed her.
If she had randomly won "secret immunity", oh the carnage---when, 1) suddenly she finds out she was double-crossed, 2)then she finds out she has immunity so she stays, 3)the others that voted for her suddenly have to take one of their own 4) Jerri and the remaining ones that tried to take her out have to deal with each other for the next 3 days at least -- carnage I tell you, evil carnage!
-- Anonymous, May 04, 2001
You guys, Colby needs to get off my television screen. Otherwise I'm going to start making Colby fan pages and going to Colby conventions and tattooing I LOVE YOU COLBY on my ass. I'm not supposed to like jock boys, but I just have this weakness for cowboys and other assorted hicks. It's my bad upbringing coming back to haunt me. I think I need therapy.
-- Anonymous, May 10, 2001
Is Colby all over the teevee? I've been so busy lately that the last thing I saw on TV was the Survivor II finale.I want to watch the "After Survivor" special, as cheesy as it sounds, but I think that I have a meeting to go to. Can someone tape it for me?
-- Anonymous, May 10, 2001
Oh, he's been on Rosie and all the usual talk shows, etc.Rosie gave him a Harley.
-- Anonymous, May 10, 2001
Colby also attended the American Country Music awards last night. (Damn he looked hot in that tux!) He was the date of "The Early Show" co-host Jane Clayson. She said that she's had a crush on him. *DROOL* I suppose being famous and mildly rich has it's privileges. They have a date planned for sometime next week in New York.
Colby didn't win my ASS. He was the smartest of them all. Rosie felt he was noble and gave him a Harley, and now he's got tons of rich women knocking on his door.
Who's the real survivor?
-- Anonymous, May 10, 2001
Angie,So are you saying Colby did win your ass?
-- Anonymous, May 11, 2001
Cory, you're making it really hard for me to concentrate on work right now. Don't do that anymore.
-- Anonymous, May 11, 2001
Thankfully, I have never watcher Survivor, but I do know where the phrase "oedipus Tex" comes from. "Oedipus Tex" is the name of a composition by Peter Schickele, aka PDQ Bach, the 21st of Johann Sebastian Bach's 20 children. Schickele has written many parodies of classical music, such as "The Short-Tempered Clavier", "Iphengenia in Brooklyn". For the folkies out there, he alsocomposed the music on Joan Baez's "Baptism" album.
-- Anonymous, May 13, 2001
Hey, now, if you had said, "Thankfully, I have never watched Jerry Springer" that would be bragging. Not having watched Survivor is not like never doing heroin you know? (well not much)And I saw Schickele at FSU in the late seventies, though I for sure can't remember specifics. Nor, for that matter several other concerts. Hmmm.
Maybe it will come back to me when I'm 80.
-- Anonymous, May 13, 2001
Well, thankfully, I have never watched Jerry Springer EITHER !!
-- Anonymous, May 14, 2001