SURVEY: Your death and the Web -- an informal survey by : LUSENET : Current News : One Thread |
I'm doing an informal survey of some of the boards I frequent, for an article I'm working on regarding how after our deaths, our survivors will need to deal with gently unravelling the web of contacts we've made online. If you know anyone who has already covered this in depth, beyond the "your executor will need to send a notice to everyone on your email list" step. do let me know. I need a rough idea of:1. How many bulletin boards or lists you participate in or read regularly in all. 2. Ratio of active to passive participation. How many do you feel you actively participate in, how many read-only. 3.How many of those boards are devoted to the subject interest we share here, how many outside that subject? 4.How many are public, how many private? 5. On how many of these boards have you formed deep online relationships where you share who you really are with people you initially know only online, rather than just showing a public persona?
To make answering easier, I'd say just strip out the rest of the message, copy and paste the part below into the answer window, and just add the numbers right into the appropriate sections. I'm not looking for strict statistical accounting, just ballpark figures to see if I can see any patterns.
Thanks, Firemouse
1. Total of boards or lists read regularly: 2. Active participation: Read-only: 3. Y2k/preps-oriented boards: Other boards: 4. Public boards: Private boards: 5. Number of boards with deep personal connections to many participants:
-- Anonymous, May 03, 2001
I'll start -- and geez, now that I add it up no wonder my meat-world life is untidier than my online one!1. Total of boards or lists read regularly: 19
2. Active participation:14 Read-only:5
3. Y2k/preps-oriented boards:3 Other boards: 16
4. Public boards:10 Private boards: 9
5. Number of boards with deep personal connections to many participants: 5
-- Anonymous, May 03, 2001
1. Total of boards or lists read regularly: 47+/-2. Active participation: 20+/- Read-only: 27+/-
3. Y2k/preps-oriented boards: 5 Other boards: 42+/-
4. Public boards: 3 Private boards: 42+/-
5. Number of boards with deep personal connections to many participants: 2
I may have misscounted them all. Some I don't visit as often as others, and many were lost when my system hiccupped.
-- Anonymous, May 03, 2001
1. Total of boards or lists read regularly: 3
2. Active participation:1 Read-only:2
3. Y2k/preps-oriented boards:2 Other boards: 1
4. Public boards:2 Private boards: 1
5. Number of boards with deep personal connections to many participants: 1
If something comes up (a sick cat or person, an issue of immediate interest), then I will concentrate heavily on a new board for a short time.
-- Anonymous, May 03, 2001
Ok, the rest of you, don't be shy! No names will be mentioned or even tabulated.
-- Anonymous, May 05, 2001