ENERGY - Bush orders govt to reduce consumption by up to 10% : LUSENET : Current News : One Thread


Bush orders government to reduce energy consumption

May 2, 2001, Web posted at: 3:46 PM EDT (1946 GMT)

From Major Garrett, CNN White House correspondent

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- President Bush will sign an executive order Thursday instructing government agencies to reduce energy consumption by as much as 10 percent during peak usage hours, administration sources told CNN.

Federal buildings in California will be particularly hard hit. The order will instruct federal buildings there to raise thermostats to 78 degrees and shut off all non-essential lighting during Stage 2 and Stage 3 energy alerts. The executive order sets a goal of a 10 percent reduction energy use in all federal facilities during peak energy-use hours. Officials conceded that goal may be too ambitious, but the White House wanted to set a high bar to reduce as much energy consumption as possible.

The president's order gives federal agencies 30 days to recommend ways to reduce energy consumption. The order will especially affect the Defense Department because military bases and other military facilities consume considerable amounts of energy. Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld has been consulted to see how the department can trim energy use without compromising training or preparedness, officials said.

Administration officials said the federal government accounts for 1.5 percent of all U.S. energy consumption. Officials said the federal government has reduced energy use by 20 percent since 1985. The next goal is for the government to reduce consumption by 35 percent when compared to 1985 usage.

Energy Secretary Spencer Abraham will join Bush at the White House when the executive order is signed. Abraham will then fly to San Francisco to tour a federal building and highlight moves the federal government will take there to reduce energy use.

-- Anonymous, May 03, 2001

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