Most Popular Names for Births in : LUSENET : Unk's Wild Wild West : One Thread | Popular Names for Births in 2000
Male Female
Rank Name Number Name Number
1 Jacob 33957 Emily 25714
2 Michael 31933 Hannah 22779
3 Matthew 28185 Madison 19717
4 Joshua 27399 Ashley 17850
5 Christopher 24962 Sarah 17398
6 Nicholas 24356 Alexis 17386
7 Andrew 23337 Samantha 17092
8 Joseph 22661 Jessica 15509
9 Daniel 22124 Taylor 14905
10 Tyler 21251 Elizabeth 14866
11 William 20465 Lauren 14028
12 Ryan 20148 Alyssa 13444
13 Brandon 20077 Kayla 13095
14 John 20000 Abigail 12940
15 Zachary 19605 Brianna 12713
16 David 19528 Olivia 12691
17 Anthony 19487 Emma 12396
18 James 17700 Megan 11334
19 Justin 17628 Grace 11147
20 Alexander 17326 Victoria 10894
-- Tidbit (, May 03, 2001
Just found out gonna have another grandbaby. A girl this time. They are to name her Grace. See it ranks there, she will like that.
-- sumer (sh@aol.con), May 03, 2001.
Isn't it odd how names gain or lose popularity throughout the years? I gave my children Norwegian names. My oldest had exactly ONE other girl named the same in her school life, and my other two kids never encountered anyone with the same name. When the oldest was born, the nurse heard the name I was giving her and said, "It's refreshing to hear something besides Jennifer."I know most of the old folks where my mom lives by name. There are about three or four Adelle's. That must have been as popular as Jennifer in their era.
-- Anita (, May 03, 2001.
I'm just glad to see people are giving girls adult names again. When I was a kid, it was the in thing to give your daughter insufferably cute names, or worse, names with cute spellings that they would be saddled with for the rest of their lives. I have a friend who was named Tiffnay. She goes by her middle name, Elizabeth, because she says that it sounds like an adult. I went to school with girls who were named Kellee, Faythe, and Precious, they were all miserable with their names. Can you imagine having a boss named Precious?
-- Alice in Wonder Bra (alice@wonder.bra), May 03, 2001.
Biblical names are popular again for boys, several new unisex names for girls (Madison?). Also traditiuonal girls names like Abigail and Emily. Always trends in this stuff. Popular movie stars are a factor--why do you think there were so many Debbies in the 50s and Shirleys in the 30s?
-- Lars (, May 03, 2001.
I would name quadruplets Melody, Harmony, Symphony, and Cacophony.
-- helen (, May 03, 2001.
LOL, helen. Well, I guess the last two names in your list would be an improvement over Rhythm, Form and Tone Color.
-- David L (, May 03, 2001.
21 Butt Nugget 17205 Barf Bagga 10218
-- Butt Nugget (, May 04, 2001.