HILLARY - Suddenly discovers Vieques

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Washington Times

Hillaryīs plea

Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton yesterday called for a "permanent and immediate end" to the U.S. Navy exercises on Vieques island off Puerto Rico, arguing it was a matter of "simple justice."

"Itīs not an issue about a little island off the Puerto Rico coast," the New York Democrat, whose state has a large Puerto Rican population, told reporters. "Itīs how we treat our fellow citizens, how we give dignity to our brothers and sisters in Puerto Rico."

If any reporter dared to ask Mrs. Clinton why she and her husband did not take the demanded action when they were in the White House -- not much more than 100 days ago -- it was not addressed in an Agence France-Presse report.

"There is no excuse for the continuation of naval exercises including bombing," Mrs. Clinton said in the letter to President Bush. It was co-signed by fellow New York Democratic Sen. Charles E. Schumer.

-- Anonymous, May 03, 2001

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