need urgent help with Dazzle : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

I just bought a Dazzle digital video creator 80. I am using the MGI videowave 4 software. the audio is always out of sync. how do i fix this? if you are using the same device or software, please tell me the correct settings. I also used tmpgenc to demultiplex or whatever the video then ran the video through virtual dub and compressed it without the sound. then added the video and the seperated sound into xing and selected VCD NTSC. the audio was still out of sync. I downloaded ulead video thing 5.0, and it won't even recognize my dazzle usb. please help email me please

-- Nick (, May 02, 2001


Nick I have seen this before, and the reason is generally related to the software/hardware combination. With the Dazzle, you are using the CPU to do all the capture work. The Dazzle box is simply a break out box so that you can plug in your video source. The things that can help are related to the CPU. Go into the Task list and kill all processes that you dont need (basically everything but Explorer can go) then start your application. You do not want to share drive time with a lan or email program for sure. Also consider getting rid of any picture you might have on your background. The capture of video/audio is a very intense operation for the PC. If you need something captured and transferred please check out (only if this doesnt work:) Good Luck Jim

-- Jim Mills (, May 03, 2001.

Hi Nick,

For UVS5 to capture, you have to set the global to use Ulead mpeg video for window driver. Just make sure that you cut off background jobs and defrag your hard disk before capturing. When capture in avi a 12 to 15 frames/sec is good enough so that the drop frames is keep to minimum. Capture audio as 128 bps instead of 224. If still drop frames that causing the AV sync, then drop to 64 bps.

-- Lawrence Lim (, August 16, 2001.

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