PCTIPS - Dirty websites

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Current News : One Thread

Dirty Web Sites!

Did we get your attention? Actually we mean the organic kind of dirt. The gardening season is in full swing in much of the world. And yes, there are a lot of resources for gardeners on the Web! Big sites like Gardening.com and GardenWeb.com are great places to start. If you have a specific kind of gardening in mind, like container gardening or bonsai or desert gardening, you can narrow your scope with a search. Planting guides, watering tips, advice for dealing with pests, information specific to your climate zone -- you could probably spend as much time doing research as actually tiptoeing through the tulips!

Click here to visit Gardening.com! http://www.gardening.com

Click here to visit GardenWeb! http://www.gardenweb.com

- Dennis Ryan

-- Anonymous, May 02, 2001

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