help with win on cd power edition 3.8+videopack : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

i have win on cd 3.8 power edition..i make a menu with extended vcd.. all go well. but my problem is i have instaled in the same time videopack 4.. i have tried to use the button editior option with the winoncd i did it with backround colors and text ..etc.. but after burning the cd the buttons didnt appear at all in the menu list in the begening of the vcd... the only thing that appear is the bitmap immage i have put in the menu as a backround but with no buttons or names or numbers of the menu play items.. what i am doing wrong?? there is any way to see those buttons as they will appear after burning the cd??. thanks

-- Sam Bahri (, May 02, 2001


Hi, I am unable to start my WinOnCD 3.8, it gives an error that I am short of the gci_mcc.dll file, wonder do ou have the file? Thanks. :)

-- Jacqueline Ang (, August 02, 2001.

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